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Paris, Bas-Rhin, Rhne … The 10 departments most affected by bank closures

Both in terms of branch closures and of municipalities which no longer have bank counters, some departments are more concerned by restructuring. Here, on these two criteria, the top 10.

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Few of the departments have conquered bank branches between 2010 and the end of 2020. But, relying on the maps of our Infostat-Marketing research partner, certain regions appear to be more affected by restructuring.

In terms of losses of bank counters, Paris and its network of 233 branches and post offices in 10 years is the city (and the department) that has recorded the most closures. These statistical losses can be caused by a dry closure of points of sale or by the merger of two counters, thus causing the disappearance of a postal address. Far behind are the Bouches-du-Rhne with -133 agencies over the period. But it is in the north of France that the most affected departments are concentrated. The Bas-Rhin, the Moselle and the North have, them three, lost 366 counters in net in a decade.

The 10 departments where the number of bank branches fell the most between 2010 and the end of 2020
Dpartements Number of firm agencies in 10 years


Bouches-du-Rhne 133
Bas-Rhin 131
Moselle 123
North 112
Loire Atlantique 110
Rhne 106
Yvelines 91
Gironde 86
Hauts-de-Seine 85

Infostat-Marketing banking network observatory. MoneyVox formatting. June 2021

The Bas-Rhin and Moselle, completed by the Haut-Rhin, are also home to 18% of the municipalities having lost all their banks and post offices between 2010 and the end of 2020, i.e. 120 municipalities out of the 654 counted by Infostat-Marketing. The center-east, around the Lyon region, is also a cluster of villages that no longer have a bank branch. This concerns, for example, 17 municipalities in the Rhne, 18 municipalities in the Ain and 20 in Isre.

The 10 departments with the most municipalities having lost all their agencies between 2010 and the end of 2020
Dpartements Number of municipalities now without a bank branch * Percentage in the total stock of municipalities now without an agency



Haut-Rhin 36 6%
Moselle 34 5%
Isre 20 3%
Ain 18 3%
Indre-et-Loire 18 3%
Sane-et-Loire 18 3%
Rhne 17 3%
Loire Atlantique 15 2%
Loir-et-Cher 15 2%

Infostat-Marketing banking network observatory. MoneyVox formatting. June 2021

* bank branch and post office

As read from these municipalities, contacted by MoneyVox, explained, it is essentially access to cash that poses the most problems. To keep an ATM in spite of the departure of the branch, the municipalities can negotiate with the bank to maintain the ATM or call on CIT companies such as Loomis or Brinks. To meet cash needs, these companies offer the installation and management of vending machines. In both cases, the finances of the municipalities are mobilized, according to the testimonies collected.

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