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Paris and Washington are worried about Alexeï Navalny’s state of health

Tkings weeks without eating. Alexeï Navalny began a hunger strike on March 31. Since then, his state of health has given rise to much concern on the part of his allies and foreign diplomatic officials. Jean-Yves Le Drian also testified for France, Sunday April 18, indicating that she was “extremely concerned” by the state of health of the Russian opponent and by evoking the “major responsibility” of President Vladimir Putin.

“The situation of Alexeï Navalny is extremely worrying”, declared the head of the French diplomacy on the public television channel France 3. “I hope that measures are taken to ensure the physical integrity of Alexeï Navalny, but also his release, ”he added. “There is a major responsibility for President Putin. “

His doctors fear cardiac arrest

The main opponent of the Kremlin stopped eating on March 31 to protest his poor conditions of detention. The 44-year-old barely survived a nerve poisoning last year that left him in a coma. He accused the Kremlin and the Russian security services of being responsible, which the latter deny. Doctors close to the opponent demanded, on Saturday, to be allowed to see him immediately, fearing that he would have a fatal cardiac arrest “at any moment.”

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“I note that there is really an authoritarian drift in Russia”, added Jean-Yves Le Drian, estimating that this file was “the most exemplary, the most symbolic, the most striking for the spirits”. “Russia is responsible for Navalny’s health, she must assume it”, he declared, reaffirming that the European Union was following the file closely. “We have already taken action,” he said. “The sanctions package is already significant, but there may be others. “

There will be “consequences” if Navalny dies, warns Washington

The White House also warned that there would be “consequences” for Russia if Alexei Navalny died. “As for the specific measures that we would take, we are studying different types of costs that we would impose, and I will not reveal them publicly at this stage, but we have indicated that there will be consequences if Alexei Navalny dies”, has thus National security adviser Jake Sullivan said on CNN.

Moscow will not let Alexeï Navalny “die in prison”, assured Andreï Kéline, Russian ambassador in London, in an interview with the BBC. However, he pointed to the behavior of Navalny, which he describes as “hooligan”. “I can say that Alexeï Navalny behaves like a hooligan”, “trying to violate every rule that has been established”, he declared, accusing the opponent of “wanting to attract attention”.

Alexeï Navalny’s allies also planned to demonstrate on April 21 to “save his life”. “There is no more time – it is time to act. It’s not just about Navalny’s freedom anymore, it’s about his life. Right now, he is being killed in a penal colony, and we can’t wait any longer, ”the opponent’s right-hand man Leonid Volkov wrote on Facebook. The demonstration will therefore take place on Wednesday, the day of President Vladimir Putin’s annual speech to both chambers of Parliament.

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