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Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Why was Prince William absent from the Games?

During the Paris 2024 Olympics, the arrival of Prince William was desired. But why didn’t the future king of England make the trip?

During the Paris Olympics, a celebrity was conspicuous by his absence. This is Prince William who did not travel to attend the event. But the future monarch of the United Kingdom had a good reason…

Normal family life

With his busy schedule, Prince William doesn’t have a minute to himself. While he must respond to numerous requests on a daily basis, he must also find time to devote to his family.

The future monarch is in fact the father of three children, and he wants more than anything to remain the most normal dad possible. In any case, this is what Prince William decided from the start with his wife, Kate Middleton.

The couple always wanted to raise their offspring like normal parents. Thus, Kate Middleton, who has been battling cancer for months, is very attentive to the education her children receive. No question in fact for her or William of raising them in silk!

As such, she is the young woman who is responsible for driving George, Charlotte and Louis to school on a daily basis. “No one really pays attention to Kate Middleton when she drops her kids off at school. »revealed an anonymous parent of a student.

« With William and Kate, everything is very simple. Aside from school fees, they are raising their children in the purest tradition of the British middle class. »added the witness interviewed by the Daily Record.

A family life which therefore seems (almost) normal, except that William is preparing to become the next king of England. A title that places him at the position of a future head of state, and which also requires him to respond to numerous invitations around the planet.

Why wasn’t Prince William at the Paris Olympics?

This was also the case this summer, when France welcomed the whole world for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. While the United Kingdom participated like all the other countries in the Games, Prince William did not travel to represent his nation.

An absence which raised a lot of questions, but which the main person concerned explained very simply. And he gave an excellent reason. Because for him, the main thing was above all to preserve the health of his wife.

“I really wanted to come, but I must say that after reading someone’s interview about Covid, I decided not to come. Because my wife was obviously going through chemotherapy, which I didn’t want to risk bringing Covid home« explained the Prince of Wales, during a recent meeting with Paralympic athletes.

However, the son of Charles III made it known that he had of course not missed anything from these Games. “But we looked at everything. We were glued to the screen every day”admitted Prince William in comments reported by the Daily Mail. It was therefore with family and at home that the future king took part in these thrilling Olympics.