CNN Indonesia
Thursday, 16 Feb 2023 00:25 WIB
Brigadier J Rosti Simanjuntak attending the verdict reading at the South Jakarta District Court. (BETWEEN PHOTOS/Indrianto Eko Suwarso)
Jakarta, CNNIndonesia —
Parents of the late Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J officially made a report regarding the loss of a number of items to money in the account belonging to the child who was killed Ferdy Sambo Cs.
This report by Samuel Hutabarat and Rosti Simanjuntak was made on behalf of Kamaruddin Simanjuntak as the attorney for the family of Brigadier J to the South Jakarta Metro Police.
“As for the report, as we know in court that the deceased’s money disappeared Rp. 200 million after he was buried on the 10th (July), the 11th, from his grave in quotation marks he still transferred Rp. 200 million, of course it is impossible for the late Joshua to do that,” said Joshua Kamaruddin to journalists, Wednesday (15/2) evening.
“As revealed in the pact of the trial, the culprit was the one who claimed to be Ricky Rizal either on his own initiative or on orders from Putri Candrawathi’s grandmother,” he continued.
Kamaruddin said a number of belongings belonging to Brigadier J were also missing and had not been returned, such as watches, two units cellphonelaptop, as well as a gold pin from the leadership of the National Police.
According to him, the family had waited eight months for good faith regarding the return of Brigadier J’s belongings. However, it never materialized.
Kamaruddin said that in addition to the model B police report regarding allegations of theft and money laundering, his party also made a model C police report.
“Model C is to replace or manage all the belongings of the deceased to take care of his rights. Whether it’s taking care of Taspen, Asabri, and other rights,” he said.
Meanwhile, Brigadier J’s mother, Rosti Simanjuntak, said that her children’s belongings should have been returned to them as heirs.
“After the child left his parents, was killed in a sadistic manner, so I am entitled as the deceased’s mother and brother and father, as the rightful heir,” he said.
The report was received by the police under the number LP/B/525/II/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKARTA SELATAN/POLDA METRO JAYA. In the evidence of the written report, the reporting party is Kamaruddin Simanjuntak. Meanwhile, the written report is still under investigation.
The report relates to the crime of theft and/or theft with violence and/or the crime of money laundering (TPPU) as stipulated in Article 362 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 365 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 3, Article 4, Article 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010.
Brigadier J was shot dead at the official residence of the former Head of the Indonesian National Police Propam Division Ferdy Sambo, Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta, last Friday 8 July 2022.
This premeditated murder also involved Ferdy Sambo who was sentenced to death. Then Sambo’s wife, Putri Candrawathi was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
In addition, Strong Ma’ruf as the driver of the Sambo family was sentenced to 15 years in prison and Ricky Rizal as Sambo’s aide received a sentence of 13 years in prison.
Meanwhile, Bharada E was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison. This sentence was lighter than the demands of the public prosecutor who requested that Bharada E be sentenced to 12 years in prison.