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Parents of Brigadier Yosua Officially Report Ferdy Sambo cs to the South Jakarta Police


Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat’s parents officially reported Freddy SamboRicky Rizal and Putri Candrawathi to the South Jakarta Metro Police (South Jakarta). Freddy Sambo Cs was reported regarding the alleged theft of money, laptops and watches belonging to Yosua.

“On this evening we made a police report regarding the alleged crime of theft or theft with violence and or the crime of money laundering as referred to in Article 365 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with the crime of money laundering in Articles 3, 4 and 5,” said Yosua’s attorney, Kamaruddin, at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday (15/2/2023).

“As for the report, as we know in court that the deceased’s money disappeared Rp. 200 million after he was buried on 10 11 and in quotation marks he was still transferring 200 million, that is, it is impossible for the late Yosua to have done that, as revealed in the trial pact the culprit was who claimed Ricky Rizal was good this was on his own initiative or on orders from Princess Candrawathi’s grandmother,” he added.

The report appears to be registered with the number LP/B/525/II/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/ POLDA METRO JAYA on February 15, 2023. The name of the reporter can be seen, namely Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, while the reported person is investigating.

Kamaruddin said that in the report he also reported Ferdy Sambo. The reason, according to him, was that Ferdy Sambo had admitted ownership of the Rp. 200 million.

“At least three, Ricky Rizal admits he stole because he was ordered by the PC, now FS also admits it was his money. So let FS later prove his argument, has he ever deposited money there either directly or by his person, that will be seen,” he said.

“So, even if he has ever deposited money there, he still has no right to take it because they consciously slaughtered the deceased on purpose, of course, if they can prove it was the money, it must be billed to the heirs or a legal mechanism, either a lawsuit or by way of deliberation, right? ,” he added.

Apart from the Rp. 200 million, Kamaruddin added that Yosua’s cell phones and laptops were missing.

“Then two of his cellphones were lost, so far they have not been returned, as well as his laptop plus his bank account, two accounts from the BNI bank until this afternoon have not been found or returned,” he said.

“Likewise, accounts from BRI, Mandiri, and BCA banks. One more gold pin given by the leadership, the gold pin has also not been returned,” he explained.

In total, said Kamaruddin, Yosua’s missing belongings were worth more than Rp. 200 million.

“The clear loss is above 200 million, including cellphones and laptops. Above 200 million because what is clear is that there was a transfer of money on July 11 which should have belonged to the heirs, until now it has not returned, so it is already 200 million, that has not been added to the value laptops, cellphones, gold pins, watches, and so on. Certainly over 200 million,” he explained.

Kamaruddin continued, if Yosua’s parents reported Ferdy Sambo Cs with 2 reports. Namely report models B and C.

Especially for model C, it is hoped that the report can be used by the heirs to take care of Joshua’s rights. From Taspen to Asabri.

“Model C is to replace or manage all the belongings of the deceased to take care of his rights. Whether it’s taking care of Taspen, Asabri, and other rights because when the deceased dies, of course there is inheritance. Now there are 5 heirs, namely Samuel Hutabarat, Rosti Simanjuntak, Yuni, and two other siblings, Mahridaya and Devi,” he said.

“So those who are entitled to all the belongings of the deceased after being slaughtered or killed are his five heirs. But these perpetrators are not heirs. So he has no right to take the belongings of the deceased,” Kamaruddin explained.


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