Home » Health » Parents’ Medical Alert: Do Not Overlook This “Shift” in Your Child’s Sleeping Habits

Parents’ Medical Alert: Do Not Overlook This “Shift” in Your Child’s Sleeping Habits

A newly released medical study warned that the decrease in the duration of a child’s sleep is not as simple as many parents think, even if it is related to half an hour, because children who do not get enough sleep become exposed to serious health disorders.

And New Zealand researchers conducted a study that included 100 children between the ages of 8 and 12 years, and found that a decrease in the number of hours of sleep leads to significant negative effects on health, even if it is noticeable.

The study revealed that decreasing sleep duration by 39 minutes, on average, for a week, would lead to a worse health condition, which affects achievement in school, and the child’s quality of life in general.

The researchers emphasized that half an hour of sleep is not an easy and insignificant amount of time, as many might think, according to the results published on the “jamanetwork” platform.

This study shows the importance of parents making sure that their young children go to sleep at a specific time, and not be lenient and let them play with phones or television.

Parents can maintain a healthy sleep for children by providing a calm atmosphere at home, and ensuring that everyone goes out at specific times.

And data from the Children’s Hospital in Colorado, USA, indicate that children who do not get enough sleep become more likely to slow growth in the brain area, and they also have learning difficulties, and they may develop negative feelings.

In other cases, not sleeping long enough may lead to disturbances in the child’s body weight, and the little one may become more susceptible to getting sick.

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