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Parenting Questions Answered: Dealing with Child Behavior at Home

Lori Official Writer

Every child is born with a special character bestowed by God. So it is not surprising that every parent will be faced with various issues or problems raising children.

In this article, Answers will summarize several parents’ questions that emerged from the results of the Webinar event #BeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBeraniBerani which is held with experts Dr. Julianto Simanjuntak MDiv, MSi.

Here are 7 questions parents can ask to help you deal with your child’s behavior at home:

1# I want to ask. I have 3 children. My first child is now 5 years old. This child prefers to sulk and get angry. Should we be firm or gentle?

Please read the answer HERE.

2# How do you deal with a 14 year old girl who is introverted (closed) and less open in sharing her feelings?

Please read the answer HERE.

3# How do I build a relationship with children who are 4 years apart because I work out of town?

Please read the answer HERE.

4# How to accompany our children, when we are working parents, leaving in the morning and returning home at night. Are there any tips?

Please read the answer HERE.

5# Please explain what punishment is appropriate for children according to their age and how to explain the differences in different punishments or rewards to children?

Please read the answer HERE.

6# How do you deal with children who have difficulty focusing when studying?

Please read the answer HERE.

7# For an 11 year old child, is it better for us to aim for certain interests and talents or do we find out what our child’s interests and talents are? Meanwhile, at this time we ask, does he not know what his current interests and talents are?

Please read the answer HERE.


Source: Answers.com Page: 12345Show All

2023-10-12 06:21:11
#parents #questions #child #care #answered

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