The head of the Pardubice club perceives the problem in the insufficient shares of the clubs in the total profits. “If you give away 30% of the rights and you get, if I say so, five percent of the club’s budget, then what are you supposed to do? How are you supposed to fulfill it?” he asks in the hockey studio.
“If we want to raise some money, the ice and the jersey look like this. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it is,” he answers to himself.
Chief Pardubic criticizes the engagement of Jalonen. Passage from the program PříklepVideo:
However, moderator Honzo Homolka objects that, for example, in Třinec, it is possible to maintain a high level of hockey without a large amount of advertising on jerseys and ice. “The difference is that Třinec basically pays 80% of it from its own funds or from its companies. That means that they over there in that region, it’s a small town, basically 30 thousand, a district town, so there aren’t many foreign partners, so it’s them. Ironworks and their suppliers,” explains Dědek.
Rulík’s future with the national team is being decided. How does Pardubice deal with the situation? Passage from the program PříklepVideo:
At the same time, he does not hide that he would like to get closer to the Třinec model with Pardubice. “They’ve done it well, it’s nice, I like it too,” admits the billionaire. “I’d also like to keep the jersey clean, I’d prefer to leave the little one there,” he sets his goal.
You can find more in the video from the program Příklep, where Petr Dědek also explains why the logo of one of his companies is on the front of the jersey four times.