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Parcoursup. What high school students chose

Senior high school students confirmed, before April 2, their wishes on Parcoursup, the platform for access to higher education. The establishments’ responses will be communicated to them from May 19. Statistics on the choices made by the candidates were published on April 24 by the Ministry of Higher Education.

More candidates, more training

658,000 high school students registered on Parcoursup, 7,000 more than last year. The average number of wishes expressed was 10.1 per candidate, one more than in 2019. This year 15,500 training courses were offered to them, 1,000 more than last year: Institutes of political studies, management schools or preparing for cultural professions, paramedical training joined Parcoursup for the start of the 2020 academic year.

Health studies

Another notable modification is the reform of access to health studies: the first year common to health studies (Paces) disappears, while Passes (specific health access routes) and L.AS (Option licenses) are created. health access). 10% of the candidates made a wish for a Pass and 19% for a L.AS.

The acclaimed license

This is the most requested training: 68% of candidates confirmed a wish for a license. Excluding health, the law is the most sought-after mention (16%), followed by economics-management and psychology. Half of the candidates request at least a BTS and a third a DUT.

Young mobile

69% of high school students have chosen at least one course given outside their residence academy. They were 66% last year. However, this desire for mobility is expressed in variable proportions: it concerns 61% of scholarship holders and 72% of non-scholarship holders.

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