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Parasitism Symbiosis is One Dependent Relationship

An organism will need other living things in carrying out its life. However, not all of them are good and profitable. In biology, there is the term symbiosis which is commonly used to describe the relationship between living things.

Britannica reported that symbiosis is one of the living systems between members of different species. In it, there are positive associations that provide benefits, while negative means unfavorable and harmful.

Launching the site National GeographicSymbiosis is a picture of mutualism when two organisms live together.

Meanwhile according to Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI), symbiosis is a condition that forms two types of substances, if the two substances are together in a similar environment. Symbiosis can refer to the state of living together closely between two different organisms.

In short, symbiosis is a close relationship between two different types of organisms or living things. There are three types of symbiotic relationships, namely mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.

Types of Symbiosis

1. Symbiosis Mutualism

Mutualism symbiosis is a form of relationship that benefits both parties. Each organism gives and benefits.



2. Parasitism symbiosis

Parasitism symbiosis is a relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other.

3. Commensalism symbiosis

Parasitism symbiosis is a relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is not harmed.

Symbiosis example

1. Symbiosis Mutualism

a. Aphids and ants

Quoting from Gramedia.com, it turns out that aphids and ants also establish a mutually beneficial relationship.

It is known that aphids are insects that suck sap and secrete honey-shaped glands as waste products.

Meanwhile, ants usually consume something sweet, including honey. Fortunately for him, the honey that the leaf ants produce will be eaten by the ants.

On the other hand, ants provide an advantage by colonizing leaf ants so that predators and parasites cannot infest them.

b. Bats and insectivorous plants

Bats and insect-eating plants also form a symbiotic relationship of mutualism. It is known that hairy bats used to use these plants as nests.

Bats will enter the plant. Stay safe, insectivorous plants cannot eat bats. Meanwhile, the bats in it will excrete feces which insects will infest so that it can be consumed by plant-eating plants.

c. Woodpeckers and large mammals

Woodpeckers are widely distributed in the African region. Apart from that, the country is also famous for its large mammals such as giraffes, elephants, zebras, and others.

It is known that ticks are one of the animals that are prone to infesting these large mammals. Fleas will continuously suck blood from their prey.

The symbiosis of mutualism occurs when woodpeckers land on the bodies of large mammals to eat the fleas that are on their bodies. Large mammals benefit due to cleaner ticks. Meanwhile, woodpeckers get food.

d. Clown fish and anemone

This example is one of the most commonly mentioned examples of mutualism symbiosis. However, did you know that this case has not yet found a scientific explanation?

Clownfish will take shelter in the anemones to avoid predators that could obliterate them. Meanwhile, the anemone’s sting can also cleanse its body.

Not only that, the clown fish will also eat away at the parasite in the anemone’s body, supplying nutrients for the anemone from its excrement.

2. Examples of Parasitism Symbiosis

a. Aphids and plants

Lice are one of the types of insects that usually gnaw where they land. There are also lice that only suck blood. On plants, ticks will eat the sap on the plant.

Of course this is an advantage for aphids. On the other hand, the plants are increasingly eaten and the sap is constantly sucked by aphids.

b. Mosquitoes and humans

Almost similar to fleas, mosquitoes are also insects that usually suck blood. One of the main targets is humans.

Mosquitoes that inhabit the human body will get food by sucking blood. Meanwhile, humans are harmed because of the blood that has been sucked and the itching and redness afterwards.

Some types of mosquitoes can also cause dangerous diseases. Such as dengue fever and malaria.

c. Fleas and humans

Apart from animals and plants, fleas can also nest in the human body, to be precise in the hair. An ordinary human head has tens to hundreds of thousands of rooted strands. It should also be noted that cleanliness and hair health deserve attention.

One result of neglecting these two things is the presence of lice which can cause itching. In addition, fleas can also lay eggs and nest in large numbers.

d. Flies and fruit

Another example of a parasitic symbiotic relationship is flies and fruit. It is known that flies often infest food, including fruit.

Flies can gnaw fruit and lay eggs. It can also cause fruit to rot.

3. Examples of Commensalism Symbiosis

a. Remora fish and shark

According to Gramedia.com, Remora fish are fish with suckers that can attach to sharks or other fish that are larger than them.

It is known that the sucker is useful for eating leftover food attached to sharks.
This is an advantage for remora fish. Even so, sharks are not harmed and feel disturbed.

b. Ferns and teak trees

The following example of commensalism symbiosis is between ferns and trees. It is known that ferns usually stick to teak trees.

The goal is to get sunlight because teak trees are taller and easily exposed to sunlight.

Even so, teak trees are not harmed by the presence of ferns that descend on them.

c. Betel and its host

In its growth, betel need sunlight to always be able to photosynthesize. To maximize it, ordinary betel stick to the host as a place to live and get exposure to light.

Meanwhile, the host plant does not gain or lose anything.

d. Rafflesia and tree roots

Rafflesia flowers can stick to trees to survive and find food. Meanwhile, the existence of rafflesia did not disturb the tree.

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