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Par condicio, the oppositions united: “FdI amendments inadmissible, the law is distorted to favor Meloni”

From Iv to Avs, from Action to Pd and M5S: the broad field exists, at least in defense of a level playing field. The right’s blitz on the rules for public information in view of the European elections manages to unite the centre-left. “The content of the package of amendments to the resolution on equal conditions proposed by Palazzo Chigi by the FdI deputies is inadmissible”. Thus a united note from the opposition group leaders supervising Rai on the eve of the examination of the amendments renamed “fazzolari award- Filini”, from the names of the FdI deputy Francesco Filini who deposited the text and of the undersecretary Giovanbattista FazzolariFilini’s point of reference and communications director for Giorgia Meloni. The prime minister herself is considered the main beneficiary of the modification which, the opposition claims, “distorts the very meaning of the level playing field for the use and consumption of Giorgia Meloni and her majority and wants to give preventive impunity to those who violate it”.

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by Liana Milella

Second Stefano Graziano (Pd), Dario Carotenuto (M5s), Maria Elena Boschi (Iv), Mariastella Gelmini (Action), Angelo Bonelli e Peppe De Cristoforo (Avs), “the majority wants to generate a bubble in the information system where the political positions of government representatives can be masked as institutional. It is an unacceptable proposal, a sneaky way to overturn the normal democratic rules and create a strong imbalance in favor of the government parties. Instead of wasting time looking for ways to circumvent the rules and regiment information, the government should stick to the law and not make illiberal proposals.”

The surgery was also tough Giuseppe Conte: “The majority’s attempt to modify the resolution to pave the way and guarantee the government the ability to intervene on public television by disguising the spaces as ‘institutional communications’ is serious”, writes the president of the M5S on social networks.

#Par #condicio #oppositions #united #FdI #amendments #inadmissible #law #distorted #favor #Meloni
– 2024-04-08 18:41:44

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