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Papu Beckham and top dialogue with Otamendi: “Suspense for joking”

Papu Gómez started to trample the national team with his humor, as well as football. And above all with his Papu Dance, which he has seen himself launched several times and also at the request of the stands. During the World Cup he wasn’t given to him, he didn’t even manage to get noticed (starter on his debut with Saudi Arabia), but he is a key man in the group. And always adding a good spice.

In the run-up to Croatia, he turned on Kun Agüero’s Twitch and showed off his bald David Beckahm haircut. And from there the new nickname was born, with which everyone identifies him and has fun on the net. Because this is precisely Papu, the one who left Arsenal, joy, fun, contagion.

And in full costume party, the Papu sat down to drink beer, in the midst of joy. And he pulled: “We lost the first game on purpose to cut off the unbeaten and lower the foam. And then we set off quietly, at a trot. There some of us let go of our hands, but calmly, and we started right away.”

In that sentence to Otamendi, the central defender agreed with some criticisms (in reality there were very few) after the defeat against Saudi Arabia. Y Papu Beckahm praised him: “They threw him a truck, a piece of rubble, and he shook it, he broke everything.”

Otamendi: -Let’s add some suspense, eh.

Papa Beckham: – Let’s put suspense but for a joke, eh.


Kun and Leo al Papu’s jokes for his court

Dad with his family.

In the preview of the final, Papu gave himself a touch of color, more blond. And after the heart-pounding game, without having had minutes, he tore her apart in a monologue / dialogue with Oamendi, one of the historic ones he felt like. Papu is already Beckahm, comments on the networks of his colleagues and the people call him like the English.


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