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‘Paper languages’: anthology of the plastic arts support

Gallery The Museum starts its exhibition calendar this year with the twelfth version of Paper languages, an exhibition focused on giving visibility to the multiple plastic possibilities that are generated from the use of this material as an expressive resource in contemporary artistic practice.

From the 15th of this month the gallery will present this new edition, in which a wide selection of artists will participate to rescue the importance that paper has acquired in contemporary art today.

One of the first approaches to art was through paper. This has always been the most intimate and closest medium to artistic creation, on which virtuosos, over the centuries, have learned to draw and have given free rein to their imagination.

It is the role that has allowed them infinite innovations and the one that has allowed them access to worlds not yet defined or formulated. Throughout the history of art, this material has fulfilled a study and sketch function for the realization of other works of art such as sculptures or paintings, and also as a means for the implementation of multiple techniques and manifestations.

Despite the importance that this had for the development of art, It is not until the nineteenth century that the work on paper begins to be autonomous and to develop more or less independently. Later, in the twentieth century, a revolutionary time in social and artistic aspects, mechanical equipment such as the printing press was instituted, making paper possible for new functions and plastic languages.

For this reason, a large part of the European avant-garde uses this material for their aesthetic and technical research, such as smoking Y frotage of the surrealists, the collage of the cubists and later, an infinity of graphic techniques.

Today, although new technologies make a wide repertoire of technical and material media available to artists, paper in its various variants has managed to transcend its quality of plastic support to become protagonist of the artwork. Although working with paper is not new, so far its use as a medium in the creation of their works has emerged among contemporary artists.

On this occasion the sample of Paper languages will have the participation of approximately 60 artists, some of which are presented again. This exhibition will feature sculptures, drawings, paintings, drafts and collages among others. Works that account for the technical and conceptual rethinking of paper as a compositional and discursive element.

Adrián Gaitán, Ana Mercedes Hoyos, Alejandro Londoño, Bettina vas Guimarães, Camilo Bojacá, Carla Chaim, Carlos Salazar Arenas, Catalina Granados, Catalina Ortiz, César Delgado, Cynthia López, Diego Hernández, Daniel Salamanca, Diana Londoño, Eduard Moreno, Edwin Monsalve , Fredy Clavijo, Fredy Saúl Serrano, Gabriel Silva, Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Gonzalo García, Jorge Cabieses, José Horacio Martínez, Juanita Carrasco, Juan Francisco Casas, Jairo Manzano, Manuel Calderón, Marco Mojica, Mauro Piva, Miler Lagos, Moisés Mahiques, Nicolás Franco, Otoniel Borda, Sebastián Camacho, Starsky Brines and Vicky Neumann, are some of the artists who will participate in the exhibition.

The exhibition will be open to the public until March 31 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm continuously.

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