MAGENTA — This one plant can grow anywhere. Papaya scientific name Carica papaya L can be found in tropical, subtropical, wet, dry areas, even in the mountains. Papaya comes from southern Mexico and northern America.
Apart from its sweet-tasting fruit, the papaya tree which is easy to find in the yard of the house can also be taken for its roots to be used as medicine. Before being used as medicine, papaya roots should be dried first.
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Papaya root contains compounds kimopapain, papain, phytokinase, calcium maleate, asam malate, karpainas well as cyanogenic glycosides. Because there is content cyanogenic glycosides, the use of papaya roots must be with caution, especially those that are still in the form of fresh roots.
According to the book Toga: Family Medicinal Plants written by Fitri Gendrowati, papaya root provides pharmacological effects as an anthelmintic, kidney disease medicine, increasing urine volume, treating venomous snake bites, and can treat rheumatism.
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How to mix papaya root as a medicine…
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2023-06-01 17:01:00
#Papaya #Root #Treat #Venomous #Arthritic #Snake #Bites #Heres #magenta