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Papaya Can Relieve Constipation, This is the Best Way to Eat Papaya to Get Its Benefits

TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Papaya is a type of nutrient-rich fruit that provides many health benefits.

Launching Healhline, the fruit which originally came from Central America and South Mexico contains the enzyme papain.

Quoted from Healthline, the papain enzyme can make protein easier to digest.

So, when you experience constipation or have difficulty defecating (BAB), of course you often hear advice to consume papaya.

Yes, in Indonesia, papaya is often identified as a fruit that facilitates the disposal of digestive waste.

7 benefits of papaya fruit for body health, supply of vitamins to relieve stress

However, is this advice really medically proven?

Constipation or when defecating becomes difficult so that stools accumulate in the large intestine are common health problems.

This condition is often experienced by adults and children.

Launching from Live Strong, common causes of constipation include dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal changes, illness and drug side effects.

The bad news is, this condition can cause more serious problems if not addressed.

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