Paolo Bonolis is one of the most loved and respected Italian conductors of Italian television. The man always gives notions and smiles to the spectators. However, a competitor risked a gesture by hitting him during an episode.
Paul Bonolis is an Italian conductor much loved by the public, today has 61 years old and leads as at the beginning of his career, more and more appreciated. The conductor is the subject of Italian news every day, this time however, not for his private life.
Bonolis arrives on television in 1981with “Three, two, one, contact”presenting a program dedicated to the children of the house Rai. In the 1982 moves to Mediasetfrom that moment on he became a well-known and admired face, leading “Bim Boom Bam“. Very successful programs turn out to be “Who Framed Peter Pan” “Bye Darwin” and “Next Another”. Paolo is always supported – both in the spotlight and in his private life – by his friend and colleague Luca Laurenti.
The conductor is married to Sonia Bruganelli from 2002also a well-known face of the Italian show business. With the woman he has three children David, Sylvia and Adele. The couple is constantly at the center of Italian gossip, especially in the last period, since they communicated that they had decided to live in different – but close – houses for the good of the relationship.
Paolo is well respected by the public and by the competitors but a video where the man can be seen has recently appeared on the web hit from a competitor. The scene aired and now we can all see it.
Paolo Bonolis and the low blow
The video that runs on the web sees Paolo Bonolis conducting “Next Another” and a contestant getting the answer wrong on the question that would have led to him winning or not. The competitor does not seem to bear a grudge but when Bonolis gets up to greet him and invite him to leave the studio, he it strikes.

The man grabs the hand of Paolo Bonolis who was offering him as a sign of greeting, when very calmly he throws him a knee to the lower parts. Paolo falls to the ground and asks the competitor why he had done it. While the audience comments, wondering if the two were joking or not, the contestant tells Paolo that he didn’t do it on purpose and bends down to help him get up. Paolo gets back on his feet and as the contestant goes towards the studio exit, he starts throwing pieces of cardboard at him. The audience cheers and jokes in chorus “Paul, Paul, Paul…”.
It is very probable that the two were joking but who knows if Bonolis expected to receive that low blow that knocked him down immediately.