Paola Caruso collapsed. The showgirl, known for participating in “Next another”, is hospitalized. She made it known herself in the Instagram story, explaining that she collapsed due to the “misfortune” that happened a few weeks ago to little Michele, the two-year-old boy who is growing up alone since he was not recognized by his father. “I have never recovered from Michele’s misfortune. My body has had too much trauma. I tried to be strong for my son who only has me. I’ve been through too bad a time, actually the worst of my life and it’s still going on. But I am human and this time I collapsed ”, wrote Paola Caruso in a photo in which she shows her arm attached to an IV.
About what happened to the child Paola Caruso did not want to provide details. You had spoken about it in these terms just before Christmas: “We were in Sharm, we had to return to Italy urgently due to an accident that befell Michele. We’ve been carrying out tests for a month, we’ve been doing therapies and we’ll continue to do therapies,” he said. “I thank all those who have written to me: it’s a very delicate period for me and my son, for now I don’t feel like saying more, also because there are actions going on. When I feel like saying more, I will also because very serious things have happened”.
Then during the holidays the situation seemed to have normalized. Paola had shared images of the holidays spent with the family. With her the baby and the mother. Even on New Year’s Eve the situation seemed calm: some images of her portrayed her very elegant in Montecarlo with her little man. Now the collapse.
Paola Caruso collapsed. The showgirl, known for participating in “Next another”, is hospitalized. She made it known herself in the Instagram story, explaining that she collapsed due to the “misfortune” that happened a few weeks ago to little Michele, the two-year-old boy who is growing up alone since he was not recognized by his father. “I have never recovered from Michele’s misfortune. My body has had too much trauma. I tried to be strong for my son who only has me. I’ve been through too bad a time, actually the worst of my life and it’s still going on. But I am human and this time I collapsed ”, wrote Paola Caruso in a photo in which she shows her arm attached to an IV.
About what happened to the child Paola Caruso did not want to provide details. You had spoken about it in these terms just before Christmas: “We were in Sharm, we had to return to Italy urgently due to an accident that befell Michele. We’ve been carrying out tests for a month, we’ve been doing therapies and we’ll continue to do therapies,” he said. “I thank all those who have written to me: it’s a very delicate period for me and my son, for now I don’t feel like saying more, also because there are actions going on. When I feel like saying more, I will also because very serious things have happened”.
Then during the holidays the situation seemed to have normalized. Paola had shared images of the holidays spent with the family. With her the baby and the mother. Even on New Year’s Eve the situation seemed calm: some images of her portrayed her very elegant in Montecarlo with her little man. Now the collapse.
Paola Caruso collapsed. The showgirl, known for participating in “Next another”, is hospitalized. She made it known herself in the Instagram story, explaining that she collapsed due to the “misfortune” that happened a few weeks ago to little Michele, the two-year-old boy who is growing up alone since he was not recognized by his father. “I have never recovered from Michele’s misfortune. My body has had too much trauma. I tried to be strong for my son who only has me. I’ve been through too bad a time, actually the worst of my life and it’s still going on. But I am human and this time I collapsed ”, wrote Paola Caruso in a photo in which she shows her arm attached to an IV.
About what happened to the child Paola Caruso did not want to provide details. You had spoken about it in these terms just before Christmas: “We were in Sharm, we had to return to Italy urgently due to an accident that befell Michele. We’ve been carrying out tests for a month, we’ve been doing therapies and we’ll continue to do therapies,” he said. “I thank all those who have written to me: it’s a very delicate period for me and my son, for now I don’t feel like saying more, also because there are actions going on. When I feel like saying more, I will also because very serious things have happened”.
Then during the holidays the situation seemed to have normalized. Paola had shared images of the holidays spent with the family. With her the baby and the mother. Even on New Year’s Eve the situation seemed calm: some images of her portrayed her very elegant in Montecarlo with her little man. Now the collapse.