Home » today » Business » PAOK: A closed game in Toumba – “Vrazan” with Vroutsis – 2024-02-22 22:07:36

PAOK: A closed game in Toumba – “Vrazan” with Vroutsis – 2024-02-22 22:07:36

A bell of a game behind closed doors “fell” from the DEAB to PAOK, who will serve his sentence on the 1st game of the playoffs. The penalty was imposed on Dikefalos because a fan threw a firecracker at him in the derby with Olympiakos, as announced by the police.

In PAOK they are “boiling” with the punishment and among the PAE’s reactions is the deputy minister Yannis Vroutsis. “We will not tolerate the State continuing to put obstacles in our way with irrationality and inequality in decisions…”, emphasizes the announcement of the PAE, which will challenge the decision of the DEAB in the administrative courts.

In detail, what is mentioned in the relevant PAE announcement:

“It is unthinkable, arbitrary, abusive and suspicious to punish PAOK with a penalty behind closed doors in the premiere of the playoffs for a firecracker that, according to the police report, was “detonated inside the stands”, a move not infernal based on the new law.

The DEAB observer ignored the letter of the law, which provides for punishment for throwing firecrackers, but he also ignored the spirit of the law, as in a packed Tumba, in a derby match of high intensity and with a negative development for our team, not the slightest was noted . So instead of encouraging the perfect behavior and cooperation of the fans, we are punishing something that the law does not even provide for, apparently to prove that the awkward measures of the Deputy Sports Minister were not just a hypocritical hole in the water.

And obviously Mr. Vroutsis should know that the people he gave super powers to are the same team fans, such as Aristidis Bekos who was the DEAB observer in the said PAOK-Olympiakos match and a simple walk on social media is enough for every ignorant person to understand, because he is exhausting his margin of power against PAOK.

Everyone must realize the following: we are making a titanic struggle to have the world as an ally in the effort against violence and we are succeeding. Our crowd showed tremendous restraint and put up with suffering in order not to penalize the team. We try to eliminate even subtle movements that give the Bekus of this world the right to be sheriffs at our backs. However, we will not tolerate the State continuing to put obstacles in our way with irrationality and inequality in decisions. We will immediately challenge the decision in the administrative courts and hope that common sense will prevail. We once again call on our people to understand that we are fighting against everyone, to stand by us and to be the shield of the Association.

PS The deputy minister of sports has the easy task of proving himself better than a predecessor who – having failed to do so at the deputy minister of sports – is now cutting Greece in two by angering the farmers. So far, even this low bar seems that Mr. Vroutsis cannot exceed”.

Read also: Risk of punishment for Toumba for one matchday

Greek Cup: The decision was made regarding the Bakaseta and Tyson penalties

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