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Pantomime Full: “We all try to be cool to cover up our insecurities” | TV

They are greeted in the den where they plan and edit their videos on Fridays, followed by a legion of contemporaries who eagerly await them and then spend the find commenting on networks the details of the specimen millennial dissected to the millimeter on screen. The lioness of Pantomima Full does not disappoint. Bar counter, bottles of spirits, glasses, lemons and limes that started as decorative and ended up being operational, and an XXL poster of pools and palm trees to match the hosts’ shirts. All very pantomimable. It gives me, however, that Alberto Casado and Roberto Bodegas are two guys much more serious than they pretend. Or maybe they are my things boomer late night.

What do you do?

Alberto (A): Ugh, I couldn’t define it.

Roberto (R): Man, I’m a comedian. But if you mean Pantomime, what we do are videos that laugh at people who get very heavy with their embers, their hobby, their profession. Of those people who freak out and focus their personality on what they do or say they do and not on what they are.

Maybe work or hobbies are substitutes for other things they don’t have.

R: I think it has to do with trying to fit in. For example, we are 38 and 37 years old, our audience between 25 and 40, and we are at that moment when your friends always have their lives and you have to find something for yourself. And you get into crossfit, or veganism, or wine tasting. It also has to do with wanting to socialize and stay on the wave.

Could it be that we are very alone?

R: Not necessarily, but there are those who are alone, even though they are surrounded by people, and to us, that little guy makes us very funny. We like to get the looserismo of those people who try to be successful, because they understand wines, for example, when they are fucking loosers, like me, come on: we are all one loosers.

The old loser lyric?

A: Deep down we all have a point of loneliness and looserismo. And the videos are a bit of that: showing that in the end we all try to be cool in this world that we have, each one with their shits, to cover up all that insecurity.

How many times do they call them ‘Peterpanes’?

A: Not to the face, because we move with others. What is a guy in a cap, some Vans, and a skateWhat do you say motherfucker if we’re on the same shit?

At what age do you become an adult?

R: Anything that sounds like an adult, like your father, brings me down. I feel like I’m not ready for adult life. Go to an agency … Look, I am almost 40 years old and I am a fucking inept and, yes, there is a point there of less wine and less paddle tennis and more learning to function in life.

A: I am aware that I am an adult, but I neither consider myself as such nor do I feel like being one. I think we both get into the concept of ‘kids’, even if it is illusory.

From what sources do they drink to create their characters?

R: From the environment, from social networks, from colleagues. Most of the characters have first and last names

Do you know so many fauna?

A: Fuck, a lot, and then it’s true that you put your ear in the places and take things. We try to understand the characters, give them a certain reality. A posh person does not speak only with the “that is”, it is more subtle than all that.

R: It is to catch the air of the character, their tone, their attitude, how they dress, that it is credible.

Do they consider themselves something like chroniclers of their time?

R: Ugh, I hear ‘chronicler’ and I automatically think of making a video titled Chronicler.

And for when the one of ‘Tronista’?

A: You see? From one video comes another. The one of Tronist you shave and get tattooed and you almost have it.

What is the most common comment that your videos receive on networks?

A: “What bastards you are.”

R: That and “yes, I am”, “I am that”.

When they are offended by someone, or by a whole group, do they think about who they are bitten by, etc.?

A: It happened to us with the video of Polyamorous. I was amazed that it caused some indignation, and more so in an environment so, let’s say, tolerant. But it is seen that there are environments in which they laugh less at themselves, it is curious. Then there are no more than 20 people on Twitter. There are trolleys They are raising their morning with the grand scheme of creating a controversy on Twitter.

Would you also have chicha for a video of yours?

R: Sure, anyone could give us the host at ease.

A: We have been and are embers with a thousand shits: festivals, for example.

R: Well, and you, Alberto, you had to stop running when we made the video of the runner.

A: Yes, I used to go running to the Retreat, but they began to recognize me and in the end there was like a joke of the runners del Retiro watching the bastard run from the video runner Of retirement. And I in plan, I shit the bitch. So much so that I had to leave it.

And I, would I have a ‘Pantomime’?

R: Yes, I have seen you there little things. One of intense journalist, a little Jesusquinteresca, with a dot Jot Down. A little “don’t give me a shitty note, give me 20,000 characters, which will explain it to me.”

What bastards. Roll ‘Madam journalist’?

R: Well ma’am, ma’am no. That would be if you had come with a green feather, a gold chain and an orange Airmax at your age: ‘where is the lady going?’, We would have thought. But, as you have come coherently, I think you would enter more into the concept of “aunt”. Yes, “the aunt of EL PAÍS”.

Thanks, I guess. His last video, for example, was titled ‘Writer’, in masculine. As you are male, do you miss the opportunity to portray the vast universe of ember women?

R: Well, even though we are two guys, we try to make the videos with a unisex vocation. In fact, 45% of those who answer us “what bastards” or “yes, I am” are women. And regarding the video of Writer, there are some chicks who could be a perfect fit for that canallita roll. But there are some profiles that are inherently uncles, of course.

And how long is it for you until the rice is finally over?

A: We are at the fucking limit.

R: We have little left to be like Mr. Burns from The Simpson, there with the cap. It will be the moment when, if we have a friend left by then, he tells us: stop the fucking time, you bastards.

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