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Panic in Mbouda: security measures taken

The so-called Anglophone crisis affects Mbouda (Ph. journal Integration)

The day after the crazy day which saw the district of Mbouda give in to panic, we can say that there was more fear than harm. Actually “ it remains a rumor because from a reliable source, being on the ground, we have not had any intelligence or information indicating a real attack or even an imminent threat in the town of Mbouda », assures a high authority in the district of Mbouda, whom the editorial staff contacted by telephone. And this source close to the sub-prefect of the Mbouda district, maintains that the boss of the local territorial command has visited the owner, faced with the scale of the crisis: “ the sub-prefect went out into the field, to the various establishments to reassure the teaching staff, the educational community, that there is nothing like this and that there is no suggestion of any threat”, we learn.

Except that, according to reliable sources, in a number of educational establishments, the sub-prefect Ambani didn’t find anyone or didn’t convince at all. Some of them had already deserted, even before his arrival. Reports of imminent attacks by Ambazonian secessionists in the city and its surroundings. “The sub-prefect instructed the law enforcement forces to carry out patrols to also try to deter possible perpetrators of unrest. ”, we learn. By involving traditional leaders, vigilance committees, and even elites.


But above all, “thehen there was this incident (Bamenyam attack, editor’s note), the police immediately went on alert, and stationed themselves at the level of the district which was attacked, but also at the level of the limit with this unit. And inside the city, we have a security system that is ready to react in the event of a possible attack.», reassures this authority having the capacity to act on the security level.

If the authorities of the town of Mbouda admit to having been unable to convince the frightened populations, they still remain confident that “ when they notice that there is a certain calm, I believe that the serene climate which already reigns will convince them that there is nothing », Hopes a security source in Mbouda.

To better understand the subject:

Mbouda: A rumor sows panic in the city

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