Home » today » News » Pangi Syarwi Chaniago: Discourse on Returning the MPR to the Highest State Institution, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago: Longing for the New Order to Strengthen Again

Pangi Syarwi Chaniago: Discourse on Returning the MPR to the Highest State Institution, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago: Longing for the New Order to Strengthen Again

FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The discourse on amendments to the 1945 Constitution to return the MPR to the highest state institution has recently resurfaced, as stated by the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Sosesatyo.

Bamsoet also said that this proposal had also been conveyed by the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Executive Director of the Voxpol Center, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, said that a thorough study was needed to amend the 1945 Constitution. According to him, there is an atmosphere of wanting to return to a stronger new order.

“It has to be weighed carefully, we usually do this, there is an atmosphere of wanting to return to the past, so that the longing for the new order is strengthening again, and we are not surprised by the desire to return to longing for old models,” Pangi said when contacted on Saturday. (2/9).

According to him, amending the 1945 Constitution should not be just a trial and error out of curiosity. Pangi said, this shows that the political system in Indonesia has not really matured.

“So we are not really mature in terms of the Indonesian political system, not yet stable and settled, there is always a trial model and try it because you are curious about the new system and then change the system, get bored after a long time and again miss the old system,” he said.

Pangi sees that PDIP wants to try to return to the 1945 Constitution because the current democratic system is too liberal and transactional pragmatic. However, he reminded that each system has advantages and disadvantages.

“But don’t forget that PDIP also doesn’t blame all direct presidential elections by the people, all wrong and bad for all. It must also be fair that every system has pluses and minuses. It remains only to pay close attention to the downsides and which are the many advantages,” he said.

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