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Pangdam Jaya Threatens to Arrest People Who Replace Billboards Rizieq Shihab. Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. TNI Dudung Abdurachman promises to arrest people who try to put back billboards with the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) community organization (ormas) Rizieq Shihab.

“It is certain, later with the Regional Police Chief, we will arrest them,” said Dudung at the Jayakarta Military Area Command Headquarters, Cililitan, East Jakarta, Monday (23/11/2020).

Dudung added that he and the joint apparatus did not only focus on Rizieq Shihab’s posters.

“We took down the posters, not only FPI, not only Habib Rizieq. If the other posters violate them, we will take them down,” he said.

On the occasion, also attended the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran.

Also read: Pangdam Jaya Reminds FPI to Understand Law

Fadil came to Kodam Jaya to introduce himself as the new Kapolda Metro Jaya.

In addition, he wants solidity and synergy between the Police and the TNI to be stronger.

“If it is closely intertwined, God willing, we can deal with the problems well,” said Fadil.

Previously it was reported that TNI troops immediately took to the streets to patrol removing FPI and Rizieq Shihab’s banners and billboards, Friday (20/11/2020).

Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman explained that a number of Satpol PP officers had unloaded the Rizieq Shihab billboards that were installed without permission.

However, FPI actually put up the billboards again.

Therefore, the TNI immediately intervened to help remove Rizieq Shihab’s banners and billboards.

Also read: Pangdam Jaya: 900 Rizieq Shihab banners have been removed

Dudung also admitted that he had ordered his staff to remove FPI and Rizieq Shihab banners and billboards that were scattered in the capital.

Dudung said that when he was confirmed about the circulation of a video showing a number of troops in striped clothes removing Rizieq Shihab’s billboards.

“There is a striped shirt lowering Habib Rizieq’s billboard, that’s my order, because how many times the Satpol PP has lowered the billboard, it has been raised again,” said Dudung at Monas, Central Jakarta, Friday.

Dudung said, at least 900 banners displaying Rizieq Shihab’s image had been put in order by the joint apparatus since the end of September 2020.

“Until now there are nearly 900 (banners) in DKI (have been put in order), there are even residents who have come down,” he said in Jakarta, Monday, as quoted. Among.

Also read: When the Pangdam Jaya Orders to Lower the Banner: FPI’s Response and the Defense of Satpol PP

According to Dudung, efforts to control the banners were carried out by joint officers of the TNI, Polri, and Satpol PP because the installation was not properly located and violated public order.

Dudung argues, efforts to remove banners have even been made in the last two months.

“Two months ago, TNI, Polri, and Satpol PP carried out this (controlling the banner). Initially the Satpol PP was sent down, but the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) asked to be raised again. Who are they? If the government is clear about its organization. How can they be afraid of them. ? ” said Dudung.

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