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Pangdam Jaya Raises Talk about Accusations of Challenging the Habib Rizieq War!

JakartaHabib Rizieq Shihab accused the Pangdam Jaya Commander Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurrahman when reading out a note of objection or exception to the charges of cases of alleged sedition and crowds in Petamburan, Central Jakarta and Tebet, South Jakarta. Maj. Gen. Dudung finally spoke up about the accusations Rizieq that.

What did Major General Dudung say?

“The point is if Iback up the police and we uphold the rule of law so that they (judges and prosecutors) complete their duties. TNI for a while standby in place for the police, “said Dudung to reporters at Bhakti Mulia Hospital, Slipi, Palmerah District, West Jakarta, Wednesday (31/3/2021).

Dudung then refused to talk about cases Rizieq. Because, at this time, according to him, the trial process was still ongoing in court.

“We’ll follow aja the legal process from the trial, “said Dudung.

Rizieq’s accusation was conveyed at a trial on March 26, 2021. Rizieq accused the existence of terror at his residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta, by elite TNI troops after the wedding ceremony of his son and the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In addition, Rizieq accused the Regional Military Commander Major General Dudung Abdurrahman of challenging the FPI war.

“In the Petamburan area where I live, the Koopsus TNI (TNI Special Operations Command) is visited, which consists of three elite TNI troops, namely the Army Kopassus, Navy Marines, and the Air Force Paskhas. These Koopsus troops do not move except under orders from the President,” said Rizieq.

Habib Rizieq admitted that Koopsus was only passing by while stopping briefly at the mouth of the alley at the FPI headquarters. However, he felt that Koopsus’ activities were terror.

“The arrival of Koopsus in Petamburan, although only passing while stopping briefly at the mouth of the alley at the FPI headquarters, frightened the residents. This was a terror for me and my family and my neighbors in Petamburan,” said Habib Rizieq.

Furthermore, Habib Rizieq said that the FPI was challenged by war by the Pangdam Jaya, Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurrahman. A billboard with a picture of Habib Rizieq was also taken down by the TNI apparatus.

“Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurrahman at Monas there was no wind and no rain to spread threats against FPI, even challenging the FPI war. Pangdam Jaya, Maj. Gen. TNI Dudung Abdurrahman, deployed troops in war vehicles to lower all the welcome billboards for me throughout Jakarta. Billboards with my photo began to be lowered by TNI and Polri officers throughout Indonesia, “said Habib Rizieq.

Watch the Video: Prosecutors Tease Habib Rizieq’s Reason for Keeping Positive Covid-19 Secrets

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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