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PANDI Reveals Benefits of Using Local and Premium Domains

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Gunawan Tyas Jatmiko, Deputy of Business Development, Marketing and Cooperation for Indonesian Internet Domain Name Managers (WAS PUT) assessing in today’s era of business and personal identity in cyberspace through a website be a strategy marketing which is very important.

It also reveals the use of domain local can minimize cyber crime, so that the digital ecosystem can run well.

“The reason is that the local .id domain is the domain of the Indonesian state code which is under the authority of the State of Indonesia,” said Gunawan through his statement, Saturday (7/24/2021).

It adds a domain name to be an important factor in a website, especially if website it uses domain premium.

“Because the key to the success of a website is on election wording in the domain itself, so that with the use of premium domains it will be easier for people to say and remember, “said Gunawan.

Premium domain names are claimed to have high value because they consist of letters that are limited from two to four characters. In addition, the choice of words is easy to read and remember.

“Use of names domain unique and brief will increase brand awareness and visits to website that,” said Gunawan.

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