Home » today » News » Pandemics to order! How does artificial intelligence help the globalists? – 2024-02-12 17:00:45

Pandemics to order! How does artificial intelligence help the globalists? – 2024-02-12 17:00:45

/ world today news/ This year, the topic of the “X” disease, which does not yet exist, but is already attracting a lot of attention, was quite deliberately included in the agenda of the Davos forum.

“There are unknown diseases that may appear and it’s a question of ‘when’ not ‘if,'” said World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Ghebreyesus, speaking on the topic “Preparing for Disease X”.

“X” is not there yet, but the WHO has already given an accurate prediction: more than 20 million may die from “X” of the still unknown disease.

In fact, long before this year’s Davos, “disease X” began to be actively discussed in the US and Europe, which could lead to catastrophic consequences. In a similar way, there was panic about Covid.

But this time the goals are different and the real danger lurks elsewhere.

In June 2023, professors and students from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a scientific experiment – whether with the help of artificial intelligence it is possible to create a dangerous virus that could theoretically cause a real global deadly pandemic.

The results of the experiment can give us chills.

Ostensibly to test GPT-4’s abilities, the professors gave three groups of students—all with no science training—one hour to see how the machine’s intelligence would handle the task.

In the time allowed, the chatbots helpfully briefed the students on four pandemic options, then explained how pathogens can be synthesized from a genome sequence and linked to specific protocols, and even pointed out companies that could create custom DNA sequences without first checking for suspicious orders.

These results show how artificial intelligence can create deadly viruses widely accessible even to people with little or no laboratory training.

The artificial intelligence itself determines which structures in the virus need to be changed in order to produce combat quantities of the dangerous weapon.

He pointed to Lassa, Ebola and Marburg as examples, as well as all sorts of other pathogenic viruses.

Davos notables are, of course, absolutely aware of what students and faculty at both universities have been up to. It is very likely that this is also their second pilot project after Covid19 failed to turn them into global masters.

What is their purpose?

From now on, they will have the justification to instill total fear among billions of people on earth because of the danger of easily creating a real destructive pandemic with the help of artificial intelligence.

It is unlikely that they themselves will soon invoke it to destroy millions of people and justify that, for example, Iran developed and distributed it, although this is also not impossible.

Rather, the direct goal of such induced horror is to get, if not all, then most countries in the world to sign the so-called global pandemic agreement, which is due in May of this year.

So far, many countries have shied away from it, but the new “circumstances” may convince them to get involved.

Countries that sign it will fully transfer their sovereignty to the WHO, which will then become the world’s de facto supreme governing body. This means legitimate real power of the globalists over the entire world.

Officially, the pandemic agreement was initiated by the European Union. In reality, behind it are the global villains we know painfully: the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Soros Open Society Foundation, etc.

The fear mongering is already underway. Dario Amodei, CEO of artificial intelligence firm Anthropic, told the US Senate that there is a “significant” risk that artificial intelligence could do whatever it takes to create a biological weapon.

And it’s not just Amideus. The wave of instilled fear is only growing.

We can only hope that the current processes in the world – the wars, the mass protests and the upcoming elections in the USA and Europe will succeed in thwarting yet another nefarious plans of the globalist superstition.

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