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Panama’s taxi fleet will be fully restored

Panama’s taxi fleet will be fully restored

As of Monday, August 24, the restriction of the taxi fleet in Panama will be lifted and both even and odd licenses will be able to circulate.

The Land Transit and Transportation Authority (ATTT) indicated that the schedules will be established according to the parameters given by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), from 5:00 to 21:00.

The Minsa announced the flexibility of mobility measures in the provinces of Panama and West Panama. The restriction of movement by hours according to license number was eliminated, and mobility is maintained on specific days according to gender.

Women will be able to circulate on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and the men on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Since last June 11, the ATTT lifted the odd and even measure for taxis in the rest of the national territory, however, it kept it in force in Panama and West Panama, taking into account that in these provinces the restrictions of mobility of citizens.

More news from the taxi sector in Panama

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Panama’s taxi fleet will be fully restored

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