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PAN proposes reform to elect the head of the CNDH by popular vote

Mexico City. After the Senate launched today the mechanism for the renewal of the head of the National Human Rights Commission, the CNDH, the PAN faction through Marko Cortés presented a constitutional reform initiative that proposes the election, through of the popular vote, of the ombudman or ombudperson.

In a press conference, the National Action leader also challenged the Morena group to accept his proposal to stop the ongoing process, in order to change the election mechanism and do it as intended with judges, magistrates and ministers.

“Let’s change the way we elect the head so that it is the people, the people, who decide who is the head of this commission,” he asked.

The PAN leader said that the CNDH “is supposed to be the great defender of the people of Mexico and it is here where he would tell the Moreno government what objection they would have to this commission, which today is a zero to the left, really being elected by all the people in the whole country.”

He added that this is very different from the process of electing ministers, judges, magistrates, which requires a certain level of technicalization, capacity, not just popularity. The National Human Rights Commission is the one who will defend people from any abuse of power by the government, both federal, state and municipal.

In the morning, the united commissions on Human Rights and Justice, chaired by senators Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega and Javier Corral Jurado, respectively, approved the call for the election or re-election of the head of the CNDH for the period 2024-2029.

The senators agreed on a public consultation procedure for said election, which will be transparent, with maximum publicity and which will adhere to the terms and conditions determined by the law.

The document calls on civil associations, social organizations, academic and research institutions, professional associations, public organizations, human rights and victims’ groups, among others, to nominate candidates for the position.

The registration of applicants will be carried out before the united commissions of Human Rights and Justice, starting the day after the publication of the call, from 09:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on October 15, through the portal that will be enabled on the website of the Senate of the Republic, in the calls section, as well as on the microsites of the respective commissions.

Once the period for receiving applications has expired, the Human Rights and Justice commissions will verify the information, and on October 21, 2024, they will publish in the Senate Gazette, in national newspapers and on the microsites of the commissions, the list of candidates that have met the requirements.

Subsequently, on October 22, an Open Parliament will be held with the different human rights organizations, so that their opinions can be considered in the deliberations of the commissions.

The candidates must appear publicly on October 24 of this year, starting at 10:00 a.m., before the legislators of the ruling commissions.

No later than November 8, 2024, the results of the public consultation procedure will be published in the Parliamentary Gazette and on the microsite of the Human Rights and Justice commissions.

According to the document, the head of the CNDH, for the period that begins on November 16, 2024 and ends on November 15, 2029, will be elected by the vote of two thirds of the members present in the Chamber. of Senators

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