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PAN | National Action Party

Mexico City, January 9, 2022.

  • This objective can be achieved with the National Health System, made up of public, federal and state agencies, and individuals or corporations from the social and private sectors, who provide health services.
  • It is necessary and urgent to vaccinate the entire population, including girls, boys and adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age and to evaluate the effects of the pandemic on the population of 5 to 12 years of age that in other countries is already being vaccinated.
  • We ask the federal government to take the fourth wave more seriously and not again minimize the risks to the health of the population.
  • It is necessary to expedite the purchase and distribution of drugs that have proven to be effective against Covid-19.

Given the uncontrollable expansion of infections by Covid-19, the record number of 300 thousand officially recognized deaths and the apparent availability of 49 million doses of vaccines, National Action asks the federal government to accelerate universal vaccination without intermediation of the route established until the today, using all the resources necessary to apply at least one million daily doses.

This was expressed by the national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés Mendoza, after emphasizing that this objective can be achieved with the National Health System “made up of the dependencies and entities of the Public Administration, both federal and local, and individuals or legal entities. of the social and private sectors, which provide health services, as well as by the mechanisms for coordinating actions, which are intended to comply with the right to health protection ”.

Likewise, immunize the entire population, including girls, boys and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18, and assess the effects of the pandemic on the population aged 5 to 12 years that in other countries is already being vaccinated and start immediately in Mexico the application of this preventive measure.

Cortés Mendoza proposed a third line of action consisting of applying the universal vaccination boosters to the entire population after two months of having completed their single-dose or six months after the double dose, depending on the type of vaccine used, prioritizing including the personnel of health, older adults and vulnerable population.

“Significantly increase the number of samples, and of them, the sequencing of those that are positive to have genetic information capable of identifying the expansion of the type of variants in the population,” he commented.

The national president of the PAN also raised the need to provide evidence in the follow-up of reinfections to identify the guarantee of immunity by type of vaccine, as well as to document the experience and maintenance of the level of protection of the Sputnik-V vaccine.

In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the post-covid sequelae; give definitive registration to the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine; Do the same with Astra-Zeneca, Moderna and Sinovac, which have been prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and already used in millions of Mexicans without major adverse effects.

It is also urgent and necessary, said Cortés Mendoza, to expedite the purchase and distribution of drugs that have proven to be effective against Covid-19, including them in the national compendium of health supplies with the corresponding budget for their acquisition and immediate distribution in all public and private institutions.

Among other actions against the expansion of the pandemic proposed by the PAN are the reestablishment of the National Health Weeks, make transparent the purchases of vaccines, plan acquisitions considering the time for their preparation, delivery, application medical unit and reinstall the Electronic Record of Vaccination.

“We are absolutely sure that with these actions we could get better rid of this terrible evil. But now we need the federal government to take seriously the fourth wave and not minimize the risks to the health of the population again. National Action is in the best disposition to collaborate in whatever is necessary to, once and for all, effectively face the pandemic and take care of the health of Mexicans ”, he concluded.

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