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PAN asks WHO to reconsider López-Gatell’s nomination for group of experts

The National Action Party (PAN) asked the WHO to reconsider the nomination of the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, as part of the group of experts that will formulate the International Health Regulations, because it considers that its decisions have ignored the recommendations against COVID-19 of the international organization.

He also expressed his concern to the international body that the Mexican health authorities are so irresponsible, and call for the reopening without clear protocols and generating the perception in the population that the pandemic of the new coronavirus has already ended, while the infections and deaths continue to increase. .

The PAN sent a letter to the doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), signed by Marko Cortés, president of the National Executive Committee; Deputy Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, PAN coordinator in the Chamber of Deputies, and Senator Mauricio Kuri González, leader of the Blue and Whites in the Senate.

In the letter, according to a National Action statement, they accuse López-Gatell’s resistance to carry out tests against Covid-19, which has made it impossible to control the infections.

They argue that in Mexico 0.6 tests are carried out for every thousand inhabitants, the lowest number of the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The PAN also refers to the WHO Director General that medical personnel do not have the necessary material to care for patients with COVID-19, which has led to an increase in infections among doctors, nurses and stretcher-bearers.

“Proof of this is that COVID-19 infections to workers in the health sector increased 341% in just 15 days, going from 1,934 on March 25 to 8,594 on May 11.”

The PAN indicates that Mexico has health experts of exceptional quality, so it calls on the WHO to consider another Mexican who collaborates with this international organization.


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