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PAN about Governor’s Insinuation But President’s Brain: Prasetio Admits Anies’ Capacity


PAN DKI Jakarta responded to the insinuation of the Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, who said that Anies Baswedan governor but his brain is the president. PAN sees Prasetio’s statement as an acknowledgment that Anies has the capacity to become president.

“Thank you to Pak Pras for admitting that Pak Anies does have the capacity to be President of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Secretary of the PAN Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Oman Rohman Rakinda, to reporters, Wednesday (23/2/2022).

Oman also mentions electability Anies Baswedan for the 2024 presidential election. He said that the electability was built on Anies’ performance in DKI Jakarta.

“The electability was built because of his good performance as the Governor of DKI Jakarta,” he said.

In his statement, Prasetio mentioned that Anies was ‘clean’ because he never worked. Oman was surprised by the statement of the PDIP politician.

“It’s impossible not to work. Anies has done a lot. The integration of the world-acclaimed transportation system and the construction of the JIS (Jakarta International Stadium) are examples of achievements that are appreciated by many parties,” he said.

“Pak Anies worked well and was proven clean,” he added.

Previously, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, was outspoken regarding performance Anies Baswedan during his tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta. Prasetio said that Anies had been working only thinking about becoming the President of Indonesia.

“So he is a governor but his brain is a president, that, I am an open person, I speak as it is, and if I am limited by the way I speak, I feel it, because it is not what the Governor and the Chair of the DPRD at the same level are chosen by people, one holding executive, one holding an institution called the DPRD. friends Council, what if there is no togetherness, sir,” Prasetio Edi was quoted as saying in a discussion on YouTube Total Politics, Wednesday (23/2).

Also watch the video ‘Anies Sued to MA for Exiting Toll Roads when Odd-Even Tickets’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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