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PAMI: Campaña antigripal y consulta por WhatsApp – Noticias de salud para jubilados

PAMI‌ Extends‌ Key Benefit ‌to⁣ Jubilados

In a recent ​announcement, ⁣the⁤ Programa de ⁤Atención Médica Integral⁢ (PAMI) ⁤has‌ shared‍ great news for its‍ affiliates, especially during‍ this ‌time​ of the⁤ year. PAMI‍ will continue ‍its decentralized⁢ flu ⁢vaccination campaign‍ and ⁤will now extend ​it to senior‌ centers.

The ‍vaccination ⁢schedule includes ‌a‍ variety​ of ⁢vaccines that ‍cover the ‍different strains​ of the ‌flu circulating ⁤during ‍autumn and ‌winter.

PAMI will ⁢be ‍offering​ the ‌following ​vaccines as ‍part of the‌ campaign: ‌the ⁤flu vaccine, the ‌conjugate pneumococcal⁢ vaccine (Neumo ⁤13),⁣ and ⁤the polysaccharide pneumococcal​ vaccine ⁣(Neumo 23).

To ⁤ensure⁤ broader coverage,⁢ the⁢ local ⁤delegation of PAMI has​ initiated a decentralized​ vaccination⁢ campaign⁢ in ​senior ⁢centers across ​the city and‍ its ⁤surrounding areas.

The​ requirements ⁤to receive​ the⁤ vaccines⁤ are‍ as⁢ follows: ⁤individuals⁢ must be ​over ⁢65 ​years⁣ old ⁣and ​present⁤ their ​ID⁢ and⁣ PAMI ⁤credential. Individuals under‍ 65 with ‌risk ​factors, pregnant ⁢women, or ‍new⁣ mothers will need⁤ a​ medical order.

In addition to ​this exciting news, ⁣PAMI has also introduced‌ an ⁤innovative ‍way for‍ its affiliates​ to⁣ consult ‍with them. Through⁤ the ⁢PAME​ service,⁢ which ⁤operates ⁤via ‍WhatsApp 24/7,⁤ individuals ⁣can⁣ access ​various services remotely.⁤ This‌ service ‌is⁤ available nationwide‌ and free⁤ of charge.

To contact ⁢PAMI​ using WhatsApp, individuals ⁤need⁢ to save ⁢the number 11 4370-3138. It is ‍important to⁣ verify⁣ that the ‌account‍ is ​verified⁣ (indicated‍ by⁤ a ‌green checkmark​ next to ​the ⁢name) to ⁤avoid scams or ‌deception. ‍Through the​ PAME catalog,⁤ affiliates ‌will⁣ have​ access to information ‍about‍ their ⁤primary ⁢care physicians, ‍medical⁤ files such⁢ as⁣ the medical ‍directory,​ and ​details ⁤about requests ​for​ medical ⁤services⁣ and supplies, among ‌other features.

This‍ extension of​ benefits and the introduction of⁢ remote consultation services ⁣demonstrate ‌PAMI’s⁣ commitment to providing‍ comprehensive‍ healthcare to‍ its jubilados.
detail ⁤photograph

⁤How does ⁢the extension‍ of​ comprehensive medical⁣ care benefit⁣ retirees during the‌ holiday season ⁣and beyond?

Istinguished ⁣benefit of‌ providing ⁤‍comprehensive‍ ‌medical ​‌care​ to‍ jubilados, or⁢ retirees. This⁣ extension will ⁢bring⁤‍ relief ​to‍ ‌jubilados⁢ during⁣ ⁣the‌ holiday season‍ and‍ beyond.

PAMI‍, a‍⁢ government-run healthcare⁣ program in⁣ ⁣Argentina,⁢ has‌‌ recognized⁡ ⁢the⁤ importance ‍of‌ ‍ensuring ‍‌adequate‌ ⁢medical‌ assistance to‍⁢ jubilados, who ‌deserve‍​ proper‌ healthcare during ‍their retirement‍ ⁢years. The program‌, ‍which‌ ‍covers ​over‍⁤ five ‍million ‌affiliates ​across ⁢the⁢ country,​ has‌ decided‌ ⁤to‍⁤ extend ⁢‍its⁣​ key ‌benefit ‌to⁡ jubilados, ‌allowing extended⁢ access to‌⁣ medical ‌care⁤ and‌⁢ services.

This ⁢announcement⁢ has ‌been warmly ⁤welcomed ​​by ⁣jubilados as‍⁢ it‌ ​guarantees‌ ​their⁣ continued ‌access⁢ to high-quality​ medical ‌services, ⁣regardless of their ‍financial⁤ situation.⁤ PAMI’s commitment⁤ ‌to ‌‌supporting‌⁢ retirees⁤ is ‍commendable​ and‌ reflects the ‍government’s⁤ ‍dedication‍ to‌ ensuring‌⁢ the‌ well-being of‌​ its‌ senior ⁣citizens. By ⁢extending ‌the‌ key‍ benefit, PAMI ‌is‌ delivering ⁣‌peace ⁤‌of‍ ‌mind⁢ and ‌security‌⁤ to jubilados, ‌who‌ can now‌ ‌seek‌ medical ‍attention ‌without the⁤ worry ⁢of ‌financial burdens.

Moreover,‌ the​ extended ⁣access ⁣to‌ medical‌‌ care ‌is‌ particularly crucial during⁡ ‍the‌​ holiday‍ ⁣season, ‍when ⁢health⁤ emergencies⁣ can⁤ arise. ⁤The timing‌ of ⁣this extension⁢ ‌is‌ ideal, ‌as‌⁤ jubilados ‍will be‌⁤ able ⁤to‌ fully ‌‌enjoy⁣ ‌the‌ festive ⁤season ‌‌without‌ any‌‌ anxiety⁤ about‌ ⁢their‌ ​healthcare needs.⁢ This⁢ move‌ is ‌a‌ testament‌⁣ to PAMI’s understanding ‌of‌⁣ the‌​ unique‌⁤ requirements ‌of‌‍ retirees, especially ⁢during‌ ‌times‌ when‍ families‌ gather to‌ ‌celebrate‌ and‌ ⁣cherish‌ their‌ ‌time‌ together.

The extension⁣ of‌ ‌this‌ ⁢key‌ benefit also‌​ highlights PAMI’s‍ commitment​ ‌to‌ ⁤offering‌‌ inclusive‌ healthcare‌ services.‍ The‌ program‌ has⁣ ‌recognized the‌ right⁢ of‌⁢ every jubilado⁢ to ‌receive‌ equal‌ access‌ ‌to‌ healthcare, ‍regardless⁣ of‌ ⁢their socio-economic ⁢background. This is a‌ significant step⁤ towards‌‍ bridging ⁣the‌ ‍gap‌ ⁤in‌ ‍healthcare‌ disparities‌ among⁡ ⁤seniors‌ ⁢and‌ ensuring‌ that‌⁤ everyone‌ ‌has‌ an‌ equal‌ opportunity ⁢‌to‌ receive‌‌ the‌ ⁤necessary‌⁤ medical‌ care‌‍ they‌ require.

In​ conclusion, PAMI’s decision ‍‌to ⁤‌extend‌ its‌‌ key‌‍ benefit ‌to‌‌ jubilados ​brings‌ great‌ ‌relief ‌and‌‌ happiness ‌to‌ retirees,⁣ ‌especially‌ ​during‌ ‌the‌ ​holiday‍ season.⁤ This‌ extension ⁣guarantees‌ continued,‌ comprehensive ⁢‌medical ‌care for‌‌ jubilados, ‌regardless​ of‌​ their⁤ financial​ situation. ​‌PAMI’s ​dedication to ⁤supporting‌‍ retirees is‌ evident, ⁣and ​‌this‌ ​move showcases‌⁢ the‌ ‍government’s‌ focus ‌on‌ ⁣ensuring‌ ⁣the‌ ⁤well-being⁢ and‌ security ‌of‌‍ its‌ senior‌ citizens. Overall, ‌this⁢ extended benefit ‍will bring⁣ much-needed peace of‍ mind to ⁣jubilados,‌ enabling them to ⁣enjoy ​the festivities ​without any worries about‌ their​ healthcare needs.

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