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Pamela Anderson’s Make-up-Free Face at Paris Fashion Week Sparks Natural Beauty Revolution

Pamela Anderson’s make-up-free face during Paris Fashion Week in October 2023 led to great support in the comments section. Many agreed with Anderson’s co-star Jamie Lee Curtis, who called her “brave and rebellious” and opined the natural beauty revolution had just begun.

Pamela Anderson (56) can often be found in the front row during fashion shows worldwideand also has appeared on the catwalk itself. She is also the face of major campaigns, and graces magazine covers. Throughout her career, she has been known for her heavy eye make-up, as a kind of signature. So why did she decide in 2023 to appear on the red carpet without make-up?

After all, fashion weeks are otherwise places to dress up for trouble, and be prepared for photo opportunities, either for the photo agencies or for your own social channels

The pictures create headlines

The answer

In a video published for Vogue magazine, Pamela invites viewers into her hotel room, just one hour before the screening in Paris. This is often a decisive hour where the stars otherwise have their own glam team around them, who are responsible for clothes, hair and make-up.

In the video, Pamela emphasizes that she does not have such a “glam team”, and wearing only a bathrobe, she explains the background of why she chose to go without make-up:

– I put on some moisturizer because I don’t wear make-up at the moment. My mom often told me, “At some point in your life, you’re not going to want to wear makeup,” and she was right.

She goes on to say that one should sometimes challenge the ideal of beauty, as we know it:

– If everyone is chasing youth and beauty, as we know it from the magazines, we will be disappointed at some point and maybe a little sad.

Anderson further says that she has doubted the choice to go without make-up, but more out of concern for what others will think of her. She concludes that although she did not come to Paris with the aim of not wearing make-up, the time has come to be a little rebellious:

– I’m not trying to be the prettiest girl in the room. There is a freedom and a relief in that.

Martha Stewart (82) is praised for this

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Tragic demise

It is not the first time that Pamela Anderson appears without make-up. In an earlier interview with Elle she elaborated on the reason why she is ditching the make-up. In 2019, she experienced that her own make-up artist Alexis Vogel died of breast cancer.

– She was the very best, and without Alexis it was simply better for me to just ditch the make-upshe told Elle.

She called the new look “free, fun and a bit rebellious” and said she prefers to age naturally rather than use Botox and so-called fillers.

– I don’t like injections. It doesn’t work for me. I want to see what happens.

The video in Vogue is directed by Tim Jarrosson, and the team behind the clip states that Pamela absolutely does not need a “glam team”. The followers also agree that Pamela is a role model. As one writes:

“The world should promote women like her”.

Another writes:

“In a world full of Kardashians, be a Pamela.”

A third believes it is liberating to see a woman accept her age, and still see beauty:

“Thank you for setting a new standard. So tired of all this fakeness”.

One fan goes even further in his tribute, writing:

«Icon is no longer a comprehensive term for her”

Pamela Anderson’s son Dylan Jagger Lee also pays tribute to his mother and responds to the post with the words:

“LOVE it,” followed by a white heart.

– Rightly praised

KK’s fashion editor Ida Elise Eide Einarsdottir is also excited about Pamela’s new look. She emphasizes that the make-up-free trend is not new, for example both models have Paulina Porizkova and actress Michelle Pfifer previously posted a picture of themselves without make-up.

– Pamela joins the ranks of celebrities who embrace what must be said to be the zeitgeist – in a nutshell. And she is praised for it! Rightfully so, for Pamela is undoubtedly tough showing up without what was long her signature; the big hair and razor-thin eyebrows, she says and adds:

– It was quite an iconic look, but I have to say that I love seeing her without make-up.

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Einarsdottir thinks Anderson appears happier. But even if the former Baywatch star no longer wears make-up, in Einarsdottir’s view, she has far from thrown her fashion sense overboard:

– On the contrary. She has appeared during several of the international fashion weeks this season on the famous front row – and also on the catwalk for Boss earlier this year, says Einarsdottir.

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2023-10-18 17:27:53

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