It was the unpleasant moment that marked the life of Pamela Anderson Oui Tom Lee for all time. In 1996, an intimate recording of the spouses was stolen and then found its way onto the internet, in one of the first viral phenomena that those involved were unable to stop. The wild and turbulent relationship between Baywatch Actress and the Mötley Crüe drummer was brought to TV with Hulu’s ‘Pam & Tommy’ and Netflix’s ‘Pamela, A Love Story’, leaving viewers wondering the truth behind the celebrity staff’s appearance . Here we tell you.
Pam and Tommy got married a week after they metaccording to the Los Angeles Times, in 1995. The musician, in his memoirs Tommy’s LandHe said the first crush he felt on Anderson was when the celeb invited a whole club ride at a party. He later called her several times on the phone and located her at a hotel in Cancun.
The performer accepted Lee’s repetitive invitation have a drink and, after a day of fun, they decided to get married. The musician took a friend’s ring and proposed to the star. She agreed, and four days later they walked down the aisle, despite not even knowing where each lived.
So the newlyweds spent their honeymoon at Lake Mead, where they filmed sex scenes they should not have been revealed. They kept the recording in a safe at their home in Malibu, California. How did the intimate video come out of your home?
Pamela Anderson et Tommy Lee aux prix « People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals » (PETA) en 1999 (Photo : AFP)
As in the series Pam et Tommya Rolling Stone article explained that Rand Gauthier robbed the safe Pamela Anderson et Tommy Lee from his home in Malibu and, after discovering the intimate recording, decided to take him to a pornographic studio and other places to distribute the intimate video, until he received 50 grand from a gangster.
Who was Rand Gauthier? The thief of sex shoot He was a former employee of the house of stars, an electrician who was part of the group of employees who were redeveloping the property of the spouses. He had problems with Lee, who even pointed a gun at him according to his statement to the aforementioned magazine.
The criminal said they owed him €20,000. and that on returning to the mansion for his tools, he decided to take the safe. It was always said that he did it alone, but even the same Tommy was suspicious of this version: Gauthier claimed to have removed the safe after attaching it to a dolly and transporting it with a truck. “There’s no way a man can do it alone”wrote the drummer in his memoirs.
It happened at the end of 1995. The couple realized in early 1996 that they were missing the video and, after reporting to the police, he denounced Penthouse magazine for showing some images of the sexual encounter in its print version. They also began taking a series of legal actions to prevent the video from being published. But all this was in vain. In two years, the intimate scenes have gone viral on the network.
Pamela Andersonwho was pregnant, exhausts herself in the frustration of unscrupulously preventing her private life from being commercialized and gives up exposing those responsible. He couldn’t make money from the hardware either.since neither the agreements with the distributors went as he thought.
« I didn’t earn a dollar. It was stolen property. We made a deal to stop all wrongdoing. I was seven months pregnant with Dylan and I thought I was stressing the pregnancy and I was like, ‘I’m not going to court anymore. Those weird, horny lawyers won’t file me again. I don’t want to talk about my vagina or my sex in public anymore, nothing'”indicated in Watch what’s happening live courant 2015.

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee kissing when they were a couple (Photo: Getty Images)
Not, Rand Gauthier had not even intervened to have in his possession the sex tape of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. He hasn’t even had a court conviction for spreading celebrity sex material or stealing his home safe. The electrician also didn’t make any money besides the little he got for smuggling it to some people on VHS.
Series Pam et Tommywho did not have permission to Pamela Anderson et Tommy Leeis a Hulu production also available on the streaming platform star plus. You can watch the celebrity relationship TV show, online, through this link.
Here you can see the official production trailer:

In February 1995, Pamela Anderson filed for divorce from Tommy Lee after accusing him of domestic and child abuse. Initially it was stated that there were irreconcilable differences and he requested full custody of his children.
Days before filing the papers, the actress had called the police and reported that her husband had kicked her in the back three times while cradling their then 7-week-old son Dylan. Tommy Lee was arrested the same afternoon. MORE INFORMATION HERE.
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