Thirty years later Playboy AndBaywatchIn addition to a video filmed at her home, Pamela Anderson unabashedly reveals herself on… Netflixbut in a different way than the one she preferred in the heart of the nineties: by exposing her soul, not her body.
Cover of the Pamela Anderson documentary
He is the subject of a captivating documentary in which she tells her story, which has been exploited by many so far. In this documentary, called Pamela, A Love Story In particular, we discover the ex-wife of Tommy Lee, the famous Greek-American rocker. Without makeup, Pamela Anderson admits, The one who decided to present her story and version of the facts seemed to have shed all the pomp that surrounded her at the time.
Pamela Anderson on the set Pamela, A Love Story without makeup

There is no sexy outfit but pure and sober white clothes. There is no oversized chignon and no eye catching makeup. We also discover it in old photos.
Pamela Anderson with one of her two sons as a child
Is it a way to gain more credibility? maybe. However, Pamela Anderson plays all the cards. At the recent Hollywood premiere of the documentary, she adopted all the jargon of an era Baywatch. No one can ignore her dress, signed by the American-Indian designer Naeem Khan, on that evening, which reminds us of the famous scarlet swimsuit in the series Baywatch. Especially since the actress also opted for a high bun and ’90s makeup with her signature lip liner (as evidenced by the documentary’s poster). After failing to get rid of this skin-to-skin role, Pamela Anderson may have decided to play it again.
Pamela Anderson at a movie premiere Netflix Documentary: Pamela, a love story in Hollywood, in a look reminiscent of her role in a series Baywatch. A red dress reminiscent of the famous swimsuit and 90’s makeup. (photos and video)
The film, which lasts two hours, paints an accurate portrait of the 55-year-old actress, who is often portrayed as a silicone bimbo. Sensitively, director Ryan White explores her turbulent childhood, which included an abusive alcoholic father, an abusive babysitter for years, and above all, her rape by a 25-year-old abuser. All of this turned her into a “shy and complex” teenager.
Her sons Brandon Thomas Lee and Dylan Jagger Lee attend the premiere of “Pamela, A Love Story”

Clips from the documentary Pamela, A Love Story