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Palmyra – Sundays are good for active rest

Later, there is a tense period of the Full Moon, where calmness, patience in communication and also caution in whatever you do are needed. The likelihood of conflicts, injuries, various accidents will increase. Be more careful with electrical devices, computers, phones. Also, be more careful when climbing stairs and stairs. Do not lift heavy objects. Take better care of your back, legs, head, possible headaches for no clear reason.

The second half of the day is not suitable for explaining relationships, risky entertainments, parties. A hard night is possible. Try to go early to go to rest.

From Saturday to Sunday dreams are prophetic, they will soon come true. Seeing more dreams below is a good change. Fire: help, protection; trees in the forest – a new acquaintance; take a bath – disease; swim in a boat – there is a death threat; to be dressed in white: poverty, shame; feel the wind, see clouds, rainbow – protection, protection.

Bad sign: if a leaf or tree branch falls on you (dramatic changes), sneeze from dust, if your eye itches (deception), fall, slip your foot when you leave the house (material leaks), if water it flows from the tap due to a malfunction or if you get your feet wet, you get soaked in water (leaks, bad consciousness).

A good sign: find yellow metal objects, yellow coins, a children’s toy, a mask (confusion will be revealed), lose a button (get rid of unnecessary bonds), see clear smoke (protection from above).

Aries (03 21–04 20). Sunday is more favorable, but due to impulsiveness it will be easy to make mistakes and react in the wrong way. So don’t fight for nothing, don’t fight for nothing, be more forgiving.

Bull (04 21–05 20). Unfortunately, on Sundays you may feel depressed and anxious for no reason, even if you have no reason. However, try not to stress the situation. Trust your partner, your family more. Strengthen health. Get more sleep. Go to rest first Sunday.

Twins (05 21–06 21). You will win if you don’t expect much and don’t believe everyone, especially Sunday, Monday.

Cancer (06 22–07 22). On Sundays, try to distance yourself more from problems, both those of others and your own. It is best to dedicate this day to strengthening health and the nervous system.

Leo (07 23–08 22). You should not doubt your previous beliefs, look for new truths, especially if you learn something on Sunday evening or from Monday until evening.

Virgin (08 23–09 22). Sunday is a pretty dangerous time, so be moderate and careful. Well, while communicating, you will not decide anything categorically, you assert.

Weight scale (09 23–10 23). Sunday is tense and depressing, it forces you to get rid of old illusions, to try to evaluate your partners (both personal and business) in a new way. True, you may lack objectivity, so it’s not worth expressing your critical thoughts.

Scorpio (10 24–11 22). On Sundays you may not feel well: you will run out of strength again, you will feel a little exhausted. Now, before the birthday, it will be important to strengthen your health – it won’t take long for you to break down. Don’t worry about anything, don’t cling to your loved ones.

Sagittarius (11 23–12 21). At the weekend (especially on Sundays), avoid excitement, frankness, especially when you fall in love or seek the attention of someone you like. But don’t despair: you will be lucky in love – after all, Jupiter is still in your love-friendly Aries sign!

Capricorn (12 22–01 19). Sunday is a quiet and passive day, which is best spent at home with loved ones. Stay moderate and take better care of your loved ones.

Acquarium (01 20–02 18). Sunday is worth thinking more often, keeping quiet and listening to others more carefully. And notice the random thoughts that come to your mind. Sunday evening there will be a higher chance of theft, fraud and traffic accidents.

Fish (02 19–03 20). These days (especially on Sundays) it will be important to remain more patient and forgiving, especially when communicating with children, a loved one, a spouse. Take better care of your health and possessions on Sundays and Mondays.

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