Muhammad Isnaini|
Friday 06-01-2023, 11:10 WIB
BBM Sawir goes into effect February 1, 2023. –Instagram screenshot @kementerian ESDM
JAKARTA, RADARKAUR.CO.ID – The government has confirmed that palm oil fuel will start rolling out on February 1, 2023.
The provisions for palm oil fuel are governed by a Circular from the Directorate General of the EBTKE number: 10.E/EK.05/DJE/2022/.
It is hoped that palm oil fuel such as B35 biofuel will slowly reduce dependence on imported fuel.
Furthermore, the use of palm oil as a biofuel represents a serious effort by the government to use clean and sustainable energy.
Palm oil fuel is fuel blended with crude palm oil or Cruel Palm Oil (CPO).
The government hopes that the development of palm-derived biofuels (BBN) will continue to provide economic benefits to many sectors.
Especially for small oil palm owners or people who manage oil palm plantations themselves.
The benefits of implementing the palm biodiesel program that have been implemented are foreign exchange savings and employment (oil palm farmers).
Therefore increase the added value of CPO to biodiesel, reduce GRS emissions and increase domestic consumption of biodiesel.
The B35 enforcement is being done as a government effort to help small oil palm owners.