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Palestinian Minister Calls for Unified Arab and Muslim Stance to End Israeli Aggression in Gaza

Palestinian Minister Urges Arab and Muslim Unity Against Israeli Aggression

Palestinian Minister of Information, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, has called for a unified stance within the Arab and Muslim world to put an end to the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza, implications of which go far beyond borders. As the situation escalates, the minister stressed the urgent need for collective pressure on the United States to intervene, compelling Israel to halt its ferocious war and alarming humanitarian crisis. Institutionally crippling the Gaza Strip, deprivation of urgent aid, and aggravating the precarious living conditions of innocent Palestinians must be promptly addressed.

Addressing the Crisis to Avert Catastrophic Impacts

Abu Rudeineh issued this critical call while delivering a speech at a conference in Turkey. Speaking passionately, he underscored the significance of unified action, stressing its potential to transform the dynamics in the Israel-Palestine conflict. His plea aimed to emphasize the need for urgent worldwide attention to prevent the mass displacement of Palestinians that could result from Israeli forces’ planned assault on the Rafah region.

Expressing his vehement opposition, the minister stated, “Gaza will only find its rightful place as a part of the independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its rightful capital. Any plans detouring from this path will be doomed to fail, lacking both legitimacy and feasibility.”

Humanitarian Relief as a Priority

Faced with a disturbing shortage of essential resources, the northern Gaza region is currently on the verge of a severe humanitarian catastrophe accompanied by a potential famine. Abu Rudeineh insisted that Israel must immediately allow the uninhibited access of humanitarian, medical, and food aid to alleviate the dire conditions prevailing in Gaza, being a basic human rights obligation. Furthermore, he stressed the immediate need to provide continuous access to water, electricity, and fuel to the whole Gaza Strip, including the curtailed northern region, to alleviate the multiple layers of suffering inflicted on the Palestinian population.

Worldwide Unity and Diplomatic Pressure

Now, more than ever, the dire situation in Gaza requires the Arab and Muslim world to stand in solidarity, ensuring that their voices resonate powerfully with the international community. Driven by the gravity of the situation, Abu Rudeineh emphasized the urgent need for a unified approach towards pressing the United States to assume its responsibility in mitigating the immediate crisis. Sensitizing the world to the atrocities faced by Palestinians is paramount, for their plight represents a significant injustice that cannot sustain unchallenged.

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