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Palestinian Girl Shot in Mother’s Arms: Chaos Ensues as Thousands Attempt to Return to Northern Gaza

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Palestinian Girl Shot in Mother’s Arms in Attempted Return to Northern Gaza

Published: 5:06 p.m. ET, April 14, 2024

By Staff Writer


Amidst the chaos that unfolded as thousands of Palestinians were turned away from their homes in northern Gaza on Sunday, a tragic incident occurred as a 5-year-old girl was shot by Israeli soldiers while in her mother’s arms.

The Disturbing Incident

Disturbing eyewitness video footage captured the aftermath of the incident, showing a man desperately carrying 5-year-old Sally Abu Laila, who was bleeding profusely from her head. Panic-stricken individuals rushed to assist, attempting to provide immediate aid and cover the wound.

A Mother’s Agony

The victim’s mother, Sabreen, spoke to CNN about the devastating moment her daughter was shot. Sabreen, accompanied by her four children, was among the individuals on a journey to cross through the checkpoint. As two young men squeezed in, creating commotion, Israeli soldiers resorted to firing their weapons. Tragically, Sally was struck while in her mother’s arms.

“I tried to put my daughter on the ground to walk, but she couldn’t move. I saw my hands covered in blood. I called on her, ‘Sally! Sally! Sally!,’ but she didn’t answer,” Sabreen said.

Ongoing Treatment and Israeli Military Response

Despite the horrific ordeal, Sabreen successfully transported her wounded daughter to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, where Sally is currently receiving intensive care. As CNN reached out to the Israeli military, there has been no response regarding the allegations stating Israeli soldiers fired upon civilians seeking to return to the northern Gaza area. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have maintained that the northern Gaza Strip remains an active war zone, emphasizing the current prohibition on returning to the region.

Overall Situation

Countless Palestinians continue to face distressing circumstances and uncertainty on their journey to return home.

For more details, read here.

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