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Palencia concludes that the future of cereals lies in adapting production to consumer needs | News



The XI Congress ‘The Future of Cereal’, organised by Tierras Agricultura together with Agropal, concluded that it is necessary to move towards transformation and adapt production to the needs of the consumer. The event was held in Palencia, where those attending the meeting at the Hotel Europa Centro in Magaz de Pisuerga learned about the latest advances in fertilisation, plant health, seeds, alternative crops, genetic editing and updated data on the evolution of the raw materials market.

The event serves to analyse the key points of the new 2024-2025 campaign thanks to the participation of companies and experts with proven experience in the sector. The first to speak was José Carlos García Bravo de Soto, director of Agricultural Business at Banco Sabadell, to talk about sustainability, efficiency and financing in the Castilla y León area. The opening presentation focused on the new challenges of the sector in the future CAP and was given by Ramón Armengol of Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España. “The future lies in being united, working together, advancing in the transformation and adapting our productions to the needs of consumers,” said César Reales, general director of Agropal during the opening of the meeting.

A message that was also stressed by the President of the Provincial Council, Ángeles Armisén. “Organising this congress means investing in a strategic sector and continuing to invest in its innovation. The future of the countryside is promising, although it is true that farmers are used to dealing with uncertainty, but training, becoming professional and relying on the best makes these decisions always more correct,” she said.

The keys to improving the efficiency of cereal fertilization were also analyzed and the future of fertilization in cereal cultivation was studied. This congress will also focus on carbon agriculture as a new opportunity for cereal cultivation and Agropal Certified seed will be valued as “the best ally for the farmer.”

In the final stretch of the meeting, the challenges that the agricultural and livestock sector must face in terms of the genetic improvement of oats will be put on the table, as it is a cereal with high added value for agriculture and food, and the versatility of the legume as a profitable solution in the rotation will be defended.

Bayer Cropscience’s Operational Marketing Coordinator, Nacho Tobalina, will advocate innovation as the key to protecting cereal crops, while the commercial delegate at Corteva Agriscience, César Preciado, will give a talk on ‘BlueN’, an essential tool for securing crops.

New technologies will mark the final stretch of the congress, as genetic editing and the future of cereals, the use of agricultural drones to optimize cultivation and market prospects for 2025 will be analyzed. The closing speech will be given by Jorge Llorente Cachorro, Deputy Minister of Community Agricultural Policy and Rural Development of the Junta de Castilla y León.

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