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Pakistan uses Arnab’s chat as a weapon; Chat people TV | National | Deshabhimani

New Delhi
Republic TV editor and BJP supporter Arnab Goswami had earlier warned of a Balakot lightning strike in a WhatsApp chat with Bark former CEO Partho Dasgupta. The chats confirm Pakistan’s claim that the RSS-BJP government in India is organizing fake clashes and inciting extremist nationalism to win elections, the Pakistani foreign ministry said in a statement. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has accused Modi of using the Balakot attack to gain electoral advantage.

The central government and the BJP have not responded to Pakistan’s criticism. Republic TV said in a statement that this was a direct attack on Arnab by the Pakistani Prime Minister.

Chat people and TV

The RSS channel also referred to TV people in a controversial WhatsApp chat with Bark former CEO Partho Dasgupta and former CEO Romel Rangaria, who worked to tamper with the TV channels’ TRP ratings. During the Sabarimala controversy, the two came out chats expressing happiness over the high TV ratings of the people.

Apart from Republic TV, the chats have also strengthened allegations of fraud in raising the barcode rating of other Sangh Parivar channels, including Janam TV. “People have benefited from TV,” he said in a chat. Partho replied that this had come to the attention of the Prime Minister’s Office.
“People TV has RSS funds,” Rangaria said in response.

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