TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Three paramilitary forces Pakistan reportedly killed in a suicide bomb attack on Sunday. In addition to the three dead, the related attack also left 20 Pakistanis injured. The Tehrik-e-Taliban claimed to be the party responsible for the terror.
Tehrik-e-Taliban perlu diketakui adalah kelompok terpisah dari Taliban yang berada di Afghanistan. Sejak Taliban di Afghanistan berhasil mengambil alih pemerintahan di Kabul, Tehrik-e-Taliban melakukan konsolidasi untuk melanjutkan serangannya terhadap Militer Pakistan.
"Kami mengecam serangan yang bunuh diri yang dilakukan di titik pemeriksaan Mastung Road, Quetta," ujar PM Pakistan, Imran Khan, dalam keterangannya, dikutip dari kantor berita Reuters, Ahad, 5 September 2021.
Jauh-jauh hari, Pemerintah Pakistan sudah khawatir bahwa kemenangan Taliban di Kabul, Afghanistan akan memicu aktivitas teror dari berbagai kelompok. Tehrik-e-Taliban adalah salah satunya.
According to them, one of the points that will be vulnerable to attack is border areas. Moreover, the last few days, the border area was crowded with refugees from Afghanistan.
Sunday’s attack itself was carried out at a checkpoint. The suicide attack was carried out by the perpetrator by crashing a motorbike, which had been fitted with a 6 kilogram bomb, into the middle of a paramilitary convoy.
Last week, Taliban in Afghanistan made it clear to its neighbors that they would not allow Kabul and its environs to become a preparatory point for terror attacks. That includes attacks on Pakistan.
Also read: Taliban Siege Panjshir Valley, America Warns of Potential Civil War
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