Home » today » World » Pakistan Air Force Inflicts Hits on Iranian Land: Foreign Office Confirms

Pakistan Air Force Inflicts Hits on Iranian Land: Foreign Office Confirms

January 18, 2024 06:51 Updated at 07:16

Pakistan Foreign Office confirmed that Pakistani air Force with inflicted hit on Iranian land. It is stated that their target were “terrorist hideouts”the agencies reported, citing the department.

The hits were carried out after Tuesday’s Iranian attack on Pakistani soil in which two children died in the southwestern province of Baluchistan.
Pakistan’s foreign ministry states that the operation has been “highly coordinated”.

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“This morning, Pakistan launched a series of highly coordinated and targeted high-precision military strikes against terrorist hideouts in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchistan,” the statement said, adding that “several terrorists were killed” in the operation.

Several rockets fired from Pakistan hit a village in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchistan provincea representative of the local security forces told the semi-official agency YJC (Young Journalist Club), quoted by Reuters.

The official representative added that nat least three women and four children died in one of the blasts, and specified that none of them were Iranian citizens.

2024-01-18 04:51:00
#Pakistan #struck #territory #Iran #victims #World #DarikNews.bg

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