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Pak Erick Report, 5 BUMN Shares Ambles This Morning! I wonder why?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – There are at least five shares of BUMN (State-Owned Enterprises) in the red zone in the first session this morning, Monday (22/3/2021).

The following is the movement of shares of state-owned companies this morning, at 10.35 WIB.

  1. Semen Indonesia (SMGR), shares -1.69%, to IDR 11,600, transaction of IDR 18 billion

  2. State Gas Company (PGAS), -1.40%, to IDR 1,405, transaction of IDR 22 Billion

  3. Jasa Marga (JSMR), -1.34%, to IDR 4,420, transaction of IDR 4 billion

  4. Housing Development (PTPP), -0.93%, to IDR 1,595, transaction of IDR 10 billion

  5. Adhi Karya (ADHI), -0.76%, to IDR 1,310, transactions IDR 3 Billion

According to data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), SMGR’s shares are the largest among the others, namely 1.69% to IDR 11,600 / share. The transaction value of this cement issuer is IDR 18 billion.

The decline in SMGR shares coincided with the departure of foreign investors with a net selling record of Rp 11.45 billion. Even though it was corrected this morning, within a week the stock still grew 4.27%.

Previously, at the beginning of this month, SMGR recorded an increase in net profit of 16.72% on an annual basis (year on year / YoY) at the end of 2020 to Rp 2.79 trillion. In the same period in 2019, the company’s net profit was recorded at Rp. 2.39 trillion. .

The increase in net profit occurred when the company experienced a decrease in revenue by 12.87% YoY to Rp 35.17 trillion at the end of last year.

In second place, the state-owned gas issuer, PGAS, recorded a decline of 1.40% to IDR 1,405 / share with a transaction value of IDR 22 billion. Foreign net buying of IDR 708.72 million was unable to push PGAS shares into the green zone this morning. . Practically, with this weakening, the issuer’s shares which were founded in 1965 have already corrected 0.36% in the last week.

At the end of last January, This year, PGAS announced that it plans to build as many as 50 thousand natural gas networks (jargas) that serve the household or independent segment. Meanwhile, as many as 130,776 house connections (SR), funding sources from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

This plan was raised in the DPR Commission VII Hearing Meeting with the President Director of PGN, Suko Hartono. This development program is one of the 7 strategic gas subholding programs carried out by PGN.

Referring to the explanation given by PGN, currently the jargas program has spread across 17 provinces, 60 cities and districts. In detail, the number of active customers with PGN investment was 114,631 SRT, while those from government assignments through the APBN were 307,522 SRT.

In addition to developing Jargas, for the 2021-2026 strategic program, PGN will also support special industries, namely by providing gas prices of US $ 6 per Mmbtu for 7 certain industrial sectors according to Ministerial Decree 89/2020, including the fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, oleochemical industry. , the steel industry, the ceramic industry, the glass industry, and the rubber gloves industry.

Next, PGN will also implement a gasification program for the national electricity sector, providing natural gas for the general industrial sector and retail.

For information, the IDX BUMN20 index, which contains 20 BUMN shares, was corrected 0.64% in trading last Friday (19/3). Meanwhile, in YTD terms, this index has risen 1.68%.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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