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Painful moments for loved ones

Families in the region are going through difficult times when they cannot be with their loved one who dies in a CHSLD.

• Read also: “It’s starting to control itself” at the CHSLD de la Colline

This is the case of Rémi Simard who lost his mother on April 15 at the CHSLD de la Colline in Saguenay.

Esther Savard Simard was 89 years old. She lost her life four days after contracting COVID-19.

Mrs. Savard Simard already had health problems, especially in the lungs. But she had barely moved to the CHSLD de la Colline when she tested positive.

“She had been there for about two weeks … This is not the way we wanted her to die,” says her son. It didn’t take long. I found out on April 11 [qu’elle était positive]. And on the evening of April 15, they called me to say that she had died. ”

He would have liked to see her leave in other circumstances. He finds it difficult not to have been able to accompany him until the very end.

“We couldn’t be by his side. I was able to go there a day before she died. Me and my daughter, we were able to go there in the afternoon, go for a short 15 minutes to meet her. They dressed us accordingly to see it. We couldn’t touch it. You had to stay at a distance. It was hard … “, explains Mr. Simard, with emotions.

He wanted to hold his mother’s hand … hug her, but it was impossible.

“Not being by his side … until the end … his last breath … It’s difficult, difficult to accept.”

However, Mr. Simard only has good words for the employees of the CHSLD de la Colline. Despite the lack of staff, he considers that his mother has received all the appropriate services and care.

“The quality of care she had, the good service they gave me. The doctor called me every morning to give me news. In the afternoon, the nurse also called me. They have always been there for me. When I went, there were three nurses looking after her, ”he consoles himself.

He hopes that the situation will improve at CHSLD de la Colline. To date, 16 residents have lost their lives there after contracting COVID-19.

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