Many women sometimes experience pain when urinating. It’s a common complaint, yet many people avoid the topic because they feel uncomfortable talking about it. Painful urination can have various causes. We’ll walk you through some common causes.
In many cases, painful urination is caused by a urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, urinary tract infections are common among women. According to the Máxima MC, 1 in 10 women suffer from pain when urinating. Especially postmenopausal women and women aged 20-25 who are starting to be sexually active are at a higher risk of a urinary tract infection. In men, these infections are less common.
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections are a common cause of painful urination. For example, you can think of a bladder infection. This causes stabbing pain in the lower abdomen and sometimes also in the lower back. In addition, you often have to urinate, but you always urinate small amounts.
Vaginal yeast infection
Another cause of painful urination is a vaginal yeast infection. In this case you suffer from more vaginal discharge than usual and this discharge can be white or yellowish in color. Furthermore, the vagina may feel itchy or burning and the skin around the vagina may be red.
Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
In the case of painful urination, there may also be a sexually transmitted infection (STD). For example, think of herpes genitalis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or chlamydia. Do you suspect you have an STI? Then contact your GP or the GGD to do an STI test.
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Inflamed vagina
An inflammation of the vagina can also cause pain when urinating. Such inflammation is caused by an allergic reaction to chemical substances or materials. For example, soap, perfumed toilet paper, iodine, vaginal sprays, spermicides, detergents, condoms, bath foam and fragrances.
Painful urination is a symptom of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a common disease of the reproductive organs in women and causes chronic pelvic pain. In endometriosis, endometrium adheres to various organs outside the uterine cavity.
Do you suffer from pain when urinating? Then it is important to contact your doctor. He can investigate where the pain comes from and whether follow-up testing or medication is needed.
Bron: maximum MC
Foto: Getty Images
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