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Pain under the ribs can be a symptom of pancreatic cancer

Strange symptoms under the ribs that could be a sign of pancreatic cancer.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Pancreatic cancer is believed to be one of the deadliest cancers. Cancer Research UK notes that only 5 per cent of pancreatic cancer patients survive for five years or more after diagnosis.

Now, doctors have warned of strange symptoms under the ribs that could be a sign of pancreatic cancer. Recognizing the early signs of cancer is critical to successful treatment and recovery. While most of the symptoms are well recognized, there are other signs that many people may not be aware of.

One of the unusual symptoms as reported by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) is feeling pain under the ribs. This symptom was experienced by a patient named Rachel. In the BMJ it was reported that two years before her pancreatic cancer was diagnosed, Rachel consulted a doctor about pain under the left rib which she suspected was muscle pain after doing strenuous gardening work.

The pain continued to worsen and four months after the first consultation, Rachel returned to the GP again. Doctors then referred Rachel to a cardiologist, but nothing unusual was found. Rachel was referred again to the hospital which performed an endoscopy and scan but initially did not suspect cancer.

“At first, cancer was not detected and doctors only diagnosed a hiatal hernia. But after reviewing the scan results, it was finally discovered that Rachel had pancreatic cancer,” the report reads Mirror, Tuesday (21/12).

according to Health Talk, a person with pancreatic cancer has also reported a feeling of palpitations, and a throbbing sensation under the ribs. A small number of pancreatic cancers are known as pancreatic islet cell malignancies. This condition triggers excess insulin production which lowers blood sugar levels. According to the Pancreas Foundation, this can cause chills, diarrhea, and muscle spasms.

The Mayo Clinic says that stomach pain radiating to the back, loss of appetite or unwanted weight loss are other more common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. One of the reasons why pancreatic cancer can be so dangerous is that no two cases are genetically alike.

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