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Paid Once and More Abused Appeared

Prince Andrew of England, Duke of York (1960), has just opened Pandora’s box, without knowing it. And, if he hadn’t been so horribly advised from the beginning, he could have pulled the newspaper library to find out what Michael Jackson settling out of court didn’t work out for him.

On February 15, Prince Andrew closed with Virgina Giuffre (1983) the resolution of the civil lawsuit for sexual assault that the alleged victim had filed against him in the US.

Giuffre, one of the victims of the exploitation network woven by the tycoon and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019), accused Prince Andrew of having sexually assaulted her three times when she was 17 years old. Although the prince has denied the factshas reached an out-of-court settlement to settle the rape lawsuit.

Andrés de York and Virginia Giuffre with Ghislaine Maxwell.

It is obvious that this paralyzes the legal actions that were planned and that were not going to be pleasant at all, but it does not guarantee, under any circumstances, that other plaintiffs will not arise.

Without going any further, and from what this journalist has seen in the different summaries, there are other women – at the time, teenagers – who point to Prince Andrew, although at the moment they have not accused him. They are Johana Sjoberg and Jane Doe 15. Jane Doe is a generic name that is used in judicial matters in the US when they do not want to give someone’s real name. Virginia Giuffre, for example, was Jane Doe 3 from the start of the Epstein trial.

Interrogation of a prince

If the case had followed its legal course, on March 10 Prince Andrew would have had to undergo a harsh interrogation by Virginia’s lawyers, within the judicial process. The meeting was planned in London, and would have lasted approximately two days. Giuffre’s legal team would have traveled there, but what would have happened in that interrogation? Nothing pleasant, sure, because, in addition to submitting to difficult questions and having to give explanations about his friendship with Epstein, his trips in the tycoon’s private plane, the stays in his houses in New York, Florida, on his private island, or his presence at exclusive parties, including Epstein’s stay at Buckinham Palace, you may have been required to submit to some physical test.

If the parties had not reached an agreement, the trial against Prince Andrew would have been held in the autumn

I explain. Giuffre requested that in the judicial presentation the prince showed that he could not sweat, since he had not presented any judicial document – as requested – that gave information about your alleged medical inability to sweat” (anhidrosis, hypohidrosis). And it is that the prince does not stop making mistakes against him.

Little St. James Island, also known as Orgy Island.

Little St. James Island, also known as Orgy Island.


In the civil suit filed by Giuffre, she says that when she danced with prince Andrew, he sweated excessively and was very disgusted. The prince gave an interview at the BBC, in which he replied that this was impossible. “I had an adrenaline overdose in the Falklands war when I was shot… that makes it impossible for me to sweat.”

I haven’t been able to find out what the test would have consisted of, but it keeps reminding me of the day the Los Angeles police obtained permission to examine the anatomy of Michael Jackson, including his private parts. It was on December 20, 1993, in his Neverland mansion. The goal, much like that of Prince Andrew’s claimant, was to verify the description that his accuser, Jordan Chandler, had made of Jackson’s genitalia. That’s how it went.

In this tremendous action, Jackson was present before the prosecutor, a photographer, a detective, a doctor and two lawyers. For half an hour they visually inspected the singer on a platform. Although Jackson emerged victorious from that peculiar record, a month later he denounced and denounced They reached a $23 million settlement, which Jackson deposited into Chandler’s account..

Michael Jackson, with one of the children who accused him of sexual abuse.

Michael Jackson, with one of the children who accused him of sexual abuse.


That deal closed Chandler’s criminal investigation against Jackson, but it did not stop that in 2003 there was another accusation that led him in 2005 to one of the most expensive trials in historyfrom which he emerged not guilty of all charges, but visibly exhausted, ill, and bankrupt.

“I think this will be resolved without a jury trial.”

David S. Wenstein, former US prosecutor, one day before the agreement

This is what could have happened after the alleged interrogation of the prince, if the parties had not reached an agreement. The judge would have set a date for the trial that, possibly, would have come in the fall. The planned procedure would be as follows, as former US prosecutor David S. Wenstein explained to me in an interview one day before the agreement was announced: “In the event that it goes to trial, it will be in front of a jury. It is a case and the trial would have to take place in the US and not the UK and the prince would have to travel to the US and and he would have to sit in a courtroom in the US that’s where this would take place case, but I really believe that the damage to Prince Andrew’s public image is not going to get any better, even if the case goes to trial. I think this will be resolved without a jury trial, because I don’t think the case will ultimately go to trial.“.

The problem with reaching an out-of-court settlement is that there will always be a shadow of blame. Michael Jackson, the king of pop, was involved in numerous accusations of child abuse.

Prince Andrew has made at least five mistakes in his handling of the Virgina Giuffre scandal

There are many mistakes that the prince has made in this matter and that have undermined his credibility. First and foremost, continuing his friendship with Epstein, even after he had been convicted, and visiting him in New York in 2010, when Epstein had just served time for sex crimes. There, she chose to walk with him through Central Park, with the excuse of telling him in person that they couldn’t see each other anymore, like a jilted lover.

The second mistake was conceding, motu owna 50-minute interview on the BBC, in which 95% of his non-verbal communication shows that he is nervous or lying. The third, having accepted $20,000 from Epstein to pay off debts from his wife, Sarah Ferguson, when she filed for bankruptcy. The fourth, to use his ex-wife and his daughters as an alibi, since if the trial had been held, the three could have been summoned. And the fifth is related to the out-of-court settlement you just signed. -it is rumored that 16 million dollars-, and that only time will tell if it is added to the previous errors.

Prince Andrew interview on the BBC.

Prince Andrew interview on the BBC.

The Jubilee of Elizabeth II

To all this, the celebration of the Jubilee of the queen of England, his mother, is approaching. The same as before the sex scandal has stripped him of his military titles, royal patronages and the title of Royal Highnesssubjecting his son to a public exile, more aimed at his legal problems not clouding the celebrations, than the punishment that is intended to be believed.

Elizabeth II celebrates her glorious 70th anniversary on the throne, the Platinum Jubilee, avoiding giving statements and with the atmosphere heated by the court case that would have damaged the monarchy forever. Assuming that the cycle has been closed, which is not so clear. In fact, I am convinced that the case only lives a brief parenthesis.

Without this being an impediment at the moment, the plans for the celebration of the Jubilee are going ahead and it will continue to be commemorated throughout the year, both in the United Kingdom and in the Commonwealth. Last February 6, the queen became the first British monarch to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, as his 70-year reign deserves. We will see if the waters return to their course for the four days of June (from the 2nd to the 5th) in which the most anticipated celebrations are planned, which will include from public events to community activities. And, for those who cannot enjoy that weekend, royal estates will be open for monthswith Jubilee themed events.

In any case, it is not very likely that we will see Prince Andrew participate in the Jubilee, very given to practicing the art of camouflage.

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