The Senate has held back plans to terminate the deal with the EU

The Senate has held back plans to terminate the deal with the EU

AsunciĆ³n: Multi-party senators walked out of the extraordinary session, leaving it without a quorum to avoid consideration of the controversial bill to repeal the UI funding agreement. Senator Enrique Riera (ANR, HC), a leading supporter of the bill in the Senate, along with the Honor Colorado faction and its opposition allies, called on the Senate … Read more

US Inflation Data Pushes Up Oil and Gold Prices as Dollar Falls | Economy

US Inflation Data Pushes Up Oil and Gold Prices as Dollar Falls |  Economy

12/14/2022–|Last Updated: 12/14/202203:36 (Mecca) Economic data showed a drop in the US inflation rate on Tuesday as consumer prices posted the lowest monthly rise in more than a year last November, indicating a chance of weathering the worst part of the crisis of US inflation, which has driven up oil and gold prices. The Bloomberg … Read more

Microsoft officially abandons Win10 21H1! will not receive security updates or patches | XFastest News

Microsoft officially abandons Win10 21H1!  will not receive security updates or patches |  XFastest News

Previously, Microsoft had reminded users that the update and maintenance of Win10 21H1 version would be discontinued soon. Starting today, Microsoft will officially stop supporting any Win10 21H1 system version, after which this system version will no longer receive security updates or patches. This means that if users want to continue to maintain system stability, … Read more

Any kind will survive! Open the picture of Aum Patchrapa, eating black teeth, but why is she still beautiful?

Any kind will survive!  Open the picture of Aum Patchrapa, eating black teeth, but why is she still beautiful?

It is another movie that many people are looking forward to the story ‘Tid Noi’ starring the all time superstar heroine like Aum Patchrapa who is back in the film for the past 7 years, alongside Ananda and Tae Don’t worry co- protagonist and director Aum plays the role of NakAnanda plays the role of … Read more

Scorpios.. Your luck today, Wednesday 14th December: a day full of enthusiasm

Scorpios.. Your luck today, Wednesday 14th December: a day full of enthusiasm

Seriousness and decisiveness are among the most important traits for which Scorpio is known, characteristics that make him a strong and reliable leader, able to perfectly lead his work team, each with their own characteristics, in order to collect great successes from their experiences which always make him a successful manager. Scorpio in your luck … Read more

Dr Thira pointed out that the EU Long COVID report is a real problem.

Dr Thira pointed out that the EU Long COVID report is a real problem.

Dr. Thira Woratanarat, Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine Post via Facebook Thira Woratanarat today (December 14) to the European Union (EU) report which examined academic data from around the world on the Long COVID problem, pointing out that Long COVID is a problem. And it affects both the patient and society after being … Read more

Titular Lieutenant Colonel Deddy from the Ministry of Defence, signed by the TNI commander

Titular Lieutenant Colonel Deddy from the Ministry of Defence, signed by the TNI commander

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Army Chief of Staff (Chief of Staff of the Army) General Dudung Abdurachman declare rank titular lieutenant colonel Deddy Corbuzier given directly by the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan). “It was from the Ministry of Defense and signed by the Commander of the TNI,” Dudung said detik com at the opening of … Read more

Behind the scenes: Kremlin talks about pre-emptive nuclear strikes

Behind the scenes: Kremlin talks about pre-emptive nuclear strikes

Interestingly, Russian propagandists hardly paid attention to Latvia’s decision to revoke the broadcasting license of the Russian opposition TV channel “Dozhdj”. The international press talked about it, it was a hot topic for Russian and Ukrainian opponents. Why did the Kremlin “brainwashers” miss the opportunity to find out about Latvia’s “Russophobia”? The answer is very … Read more

Surprisingly, 6% of Earth’s mass comes from asteroids

Surprisingly, 6% of Earth’s mass comes from asteroids

Jakarta – Two years ago, the Japanese Hayabusa-2 spacecraft delivered a special cargo to Earth. Contains, samples of material collected in asteroid Ryugu. Analysis of the precious few grams of soil from the asteroid’s surface and subsurface has revealed new information about our planet’s past and that of the entire Solar System. An international team … Read more