A successful night event, Kateřina surprises Vilma, Vanda finds a hidden gift and Blanka resorts to a crucial step

A successful night event, Kateřina surprises Vilma, Vanda finds a hidden gift and Blanka resorts to a crucial step

Before the Christmas special, the last episode of the Ulice series awaits us. This brings a great deal of reconciliation to Blanka, a surprise to the Nykls, and joy to Vanda. There will also be Kristýna with her school problems or the perfect plan of the young mayor Hložánek. Removal of the wreck and peace … Read more

Delta allows fifteen more providers to use fiber optic network in Zealand – IT Pro – News

Delta allows fifteen more providers to use fiber optic network in Zealand – IT Pro – News

In addition to this good news from Delta, there are other developments as well. For example, Delta will increase prices for fiber-optic Internet starting January 1, 2023The Flex Basic 150 Mbps package cost €42.50 and will be €45.00Extra Speed ​​​​​​400 Mbps cost € 46.00 and will be € 48.50 *Extra Speed ​​​​​​1000 Mbps was €50.00 … Read more

CA REGALE – Early dissolution

LIKE REAL SAS with capital of €1000 Registered office: 9 RUE DE CONDE 33000 BORDEAUX RCS BORDEAUX 914199237 By decision of the president dated 01/12/2022, the early dissolution of the company and its amicable liquidation were decided as from 31/12/2022, M HOULLIER François was appointed liquidator(s) residing at 38 rue des pins francs 33200 BORDEAUX … Read more

Will Smith Was Spit On By Fellow Actor In Emancipation And Reveals Why | celebrities | nndatr | CELEBRITY

Will Smith Was Spit On By Fellow Actor In Emancipation And Reveals Why |  celebrities |  nndatr |  CELEBRITY

In order for the scenes to be as realistic as possible, the actors are often subjected to more suffering than necessary with the story. This was the case with Will Smith and her recent starring role in ‘Emancipation’, the new Netflix film that is already generating rave reviews. READ ALSO | Why will Lottie Mosse … Read more

We don’t want the World Cup to end but… When are the European Championships coming back? -Fox Sports

We don’t want the World Cup to end but… When are the European Championships coming back?  -Fox Sports

The world enjoyed soccer from first level for almost a month with world from Qatar 2022which already has its end defined between France vs Argentinabut once finished there will still be a lot to see, because the big leagues in Europe that’s it next to reboot your business. The soccer it is one of those … Read more

Emir “Tarab” of Mecca Khaled Al-Faisal, and his interaction with a song performed by Walaa Al-Jundi sparks interaction

Emir “Tarab” of Mecca Khaled Al-Faisal, and his interaction with a song performed by Walaa Al-Jundi sparks interaction

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Social media activists have released videos of the Emir of Mecca, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, and his interaction with a song as he participated in the fourth season of the Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal Awards for Arabic poetry. The activists highlighted the interaction of the Emir of Mecca and what they … Read more