New series of readings at the Paderborn Theater – opening with Max Rohland

New series of readings at the Paderborn Theater – opening with Max Rohland

To begin, Paderborn actor Max Rohland will read two short stories by Terry Pratchett. 12/18/2022, 4:00am Paderborn. From January 2023, Paderborn Theater will offer a new format. “Favorite Stories” is a series of readings in which guest artists and ensemble members read from a wide variety of literary works. Paderborn actor Max Rohland will kick … Read more

Legislative elections in Tunisia. Low turnout and results on Monday

Legislative elections in Tunisia. Low turnout and results on Monday

The head of the Tunisian High Authority for Elections, Farouk Bouaskar, said the preliminary results of the legislative elections which took place on Saturday would be announced on Monday. Bouaskar had said that more than 800,000 voters cast their votes two hours before polling stations closed, with the turnout rate exceeding 8%. Polling stations closed … Read more

Scorpio.. Your luck today, Sunday December 18: give advice

Scorpio.. Your luck today, Sunday December 18: give advice

born Scorpio He is characterized by several characteristics, including that he possesses sharp intelligence, he is able to control his emotions greatly, and he faces any problem with all the courage and finds solutions. Scorpio in your luck today, December 18th A born Scorpio enjoys great mystery and attractiveness, has a delicate and sensitive sense, … Read more

Easily contagious, here are 6 ways to prevent flu or flu transmission

Easily contagious, here are 6 ways to prevent flu or flu transmission – Beberapa pemain Timnas Prancis di Piala Dunia 2022 dikabarkan terserang Flu Unta jelang laga final melawan Argentina. Terlepas dari kabar Flu Unta tersebut, Flu sendiri merupakan penyakit pernapasan yang sangat menular. Penyakit ini umumnya disebabkan infeksi virus influenza. Saat kondisi parah flu dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti pneumonia, dan bahkan kematian. Mengingat penyakit ini … Read more

This development has changed everything iPhone users know! Apple has waived that condition: You won’t use it again!

This development has changed everything iPhone users know!  Apple has waived that condition: You won’t use it again!

As Apple users are increasing day by day, discounts can be made on phones and iPads without using the App Store. Complete information for this application, which is expected to be released by the EU in 2024, is in our news. It is claimed that with the strict competition law which is expected to be … Read more

Snacks, drinks and live music on the first night train Maastricht-Schiphol

Snacks, drinks and live music on the first night train Maastricht-Schiphol In collaboration with Hamburg ANNOUNCEMENTS•yesterday, 12:24 Yesterday evening a night train ran for the first time on the Maastricht-Schiphol route. The regional carrier Arriva’s train departed Maastricht at 01:01 and traveled to Schiphol via Eindhoven, Utrecht and Amsterdam South, among others. Got there at 3:15. The night train now runs every Friday evening. Arriva … Read more